Donations and devotion

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Dear Bhaktin ***, Please receive my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.   Thanks for the monthly donation you are promising. Donations depend on your financial possibilities. If you are rich you can give a lot, … Read More


Nadiya Godrume Nityananda Mahajana – Video and text

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    Song Name: Nadiya Godrume Nityananda Mahajana Official Name: Nagara Kirtana Song 1; Ajna Tahal Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura Book Name: Gitavali Language: Bengali   LYRICS: (1) nadīyā-godrume nityānanda mahājana patiyāche nām-haṭṭa jīvera kāraṇa (2) (śraddhāvān … Read More


Rādhā-kuṇḍa is very rarely attained even by the great devotees

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Upadesamrita Nectar of Instruction 11   कृष्णस्योच्चैः प्रणयवसतिः प्रेयसीभ्योऽपि राधा कुण्डं चास्या मुनिभिरभितस्तादृगेव व्यधायि । यत्प्रेष्ठैरप्यलमसुलभं किं पुनर्भक्तिभाजां तत्प्रेमेदं सकृदपि सरः स्नातुराविष्करोति ॥ ११ ॥   kṛṣṇasyoccaiḥ praṇaya-vasatiḥ preyasībhyo ’pi rādhā kuṇḍaṁ cāsyā munibhir abhitas tādṛg … Read More


El sacrificio Rajasuya

posted in: Español, NB 0

Literalmente Rajasuya significa “el sacrificio del Rey”. El ksatriya que deseaba ser monarca tenía que realizar este complicado Yajna. No es una ceremonia Vaishnava, sino Védica, del tipo llamado Srauta. Es diferente del Asvamedha Yajna, que … Read More


Maitreya, the Rishi

posted in: Español, NB 0

  Maitreya fue un importante sabio de la historia puránica. 1) Genealogía. Descendiendo en orden desde Visnu: – Brahma – Atri – Candra – Budha – Pururavas – Ayus – Anenas – Pratiksatra – Srinjaya- Jaya … Read More

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