Tungavidya is well versed in the eighteen types of knowledge[1].
She is exceptionally skilled in arranging the meeting of the youthful Divine Couple. Sri Krishna has full faith in her.
Tungavidya, who holds the post of acarya in the art of music (gandharva-vidya), is most learned in the scriptures delineating mellows (rasa-sastra), moral conduct (niti-sastra) and the art of dancing (natya-sastra). She is expert in dramaturgy as well as in telling appropriate stories or instructive fabricated stories. She is especially skilled in singing according to ragas and raginis and in playing on the vina and other musical instruments.
Tungavidya-devi is in charge of the eight famous sakhis headed by Manjumedha; of the expert messengers accomplished in sandhi, the first of the six expedients and of the gopis who know how to sing, play musical instruments, dance and perform plays. She is also the leader of the skilful gopis who know how to play mridanga, who know the sixty-four arts, and who know how to dance, as well as of the sakhis who collect water from the various rivers and springs of Vrindavana.
[1] The eighteen types of knowledge are: (1) Rigveda, (2) Samaveda, (3) Yajurveda, (4) Atharvaveda, (5) Siksa (phonetics), (6) Kalpa (ritual), (7) Vyakarana (grammar), (8) Nirukta (etymology), (9) Jyotisa (astrology and astronomy), (10) Chanda (poetical metre), (11) Mimamsa, (12) Nyaya, (13) Dharma-sastra, (14) Puranas, (15) Ayurveda, (16) Dhanurveda, (17) Gandharvaveda and (18) Artha-sastras (as mentioned in Visnu Purana)
This is a section of the book “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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