Citra is skilled in all activities due to her remarkable dexterity. There are six expedients to arrange and nourish a rendezvous[1]. Out of these six, she is extremely skilled in the third one, yana.
She is also most talented in writing; expressing her heart’s feelings with hints and signs; speaking in languages of many different countries; as well as recognizing the qualities of dishes made of honey, milk and so forth by glancing just once upon them. She can skillfully make crystal vessels. She can masterfully play the different notes[2] on these crystal vessels filled with water to varying levels with the vibrations she arouses in the vessels.
She knows the scripture delineating astrology and is knowledgeable in how to protect and take care of animals and trees. She is especially skilled in preparing sherbets and other drinks.
Citra Sakhi is the supervisor of the eight famous sakhis beginning with Rasalika; of the sakhis and maidservants who prepare drinkables; and of the sakhis who always gather divine medicinal herbs and such, of those who protect trees without flowers, and of those who take care of the forest area and various creepers and vines.
[1] It is called abhisarana. The six expedients employed by the sakhis to enhance the love between the nayaka and the nayika are: 1) sandhi, to arrange meetings between Radha and Krishna. 2) vigraha, to arrange loving quarrels even without any cause. 3) yana, taking part of Radharani and attacking Krishna and His party. 4) asana, to remain vigilant on the activities of the opposite party. 5) dvaidha, faking surrender to the opposite party. 6) asraya, accepting defeat and taking shelter of the opposite party. Others call these qualities as sama, dana, danda, bheda and so forth.
[2] Sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, which are the seven svaras, or musical notes
This is a section of the book “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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