What Should one do if one has Offended a Sadhu?

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What should one do if one has offended a Sadhu?

Sadhu-ninda ghatile ki kara kartavya?

If out of foolishness one has offended a sadhu, then with remorse one should grasp the feet of that sadhu.

Crying, one should say, ‘O Prabhu, please forgive my offense! Kindly grant the mercy of a Vaishnava to this wicked offender.’

The sadhu, being full of compassion, with a tender heart will then forgive the offense and embrace him mercifully.

According to Your instruction, I submit at Your divine feet this description of the first offense.


May this Hari-nama Cintamani become the very life of those people who swarm like bumblebees at the lotus feet of Hari Dasa.


iti sri- hari-nama-cintamanau

sadhu-nindaparadha-vicar nama caturthah paricchedah


Thus ends the fourth chapter of Sri Hari-nama Cintamani entitled

“A Deliberation on Offenses to a Sadhu”.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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