Upananda’s two sons
Sri Krishna’s eldest paternal uncle, Sri Upananda, has two sons named Kandava and Dandava.
They both gladly stay in Subala’s company, and their attractive faces are as beautiful as lotus flowers.
Nanda Maharaja has two cousins
Sri Nanda Maharaja has two cousins, who are sons to his uncle Rajanya. Their names are Catu and Vatuka.
Catu’s wife is Dadhisara and Vatuka’s is Havihsara.
Mukhara, who by caste belongs to the cow herders, is a dear friend of Grandmother Patala.
Mukhara has so much affection for her friend that sometimes, when Patala was busy, she even used to breast-feed Patala’s daughter, Vrajesvari Yasoda.
Sumukha’s younger brother
Grandfather Sumukha’s younger brother is Carumukha. His bodily complexion is like kajala[1].
His wife is a gopi named Balaka. Her complexion can be compared to one kind of deep blue gram or to kajala.
[1] Blackish color
This is a section of the book “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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