Third Travel to Vrindavana

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Third travel to Vrindavana

Sri Syamananda Prabhu resided in Vrindavana Dhama for fifteen years in Syamasundara’s transcendental kingdom of love, receiving the direct mercy of Srimati Radharani, and on account of this he had a very close connection with Vrindavana. Feeling deep attraction for that holiest of places, he returned there from Utkal bringing with him his family Deity, Sri Syama Raya, and many dear disciples. Travelling through the forests, he blessed not only the human beings but also tigers, elephants, bears, deers, peacocks and cuckoos and gave them Sri Hari Nama initiation making all of them mad with love for Krishna.  

One day two big tigers were lying on the path obstructing his way. He advised those ferocious tigers to chant Sri Hari Nama, and to the surprise of all those present the tigers entered the dense forest saluting Syamananda Prabhu again and again[1].

On his arrival in Vrindavana, Jiva Gosvami and all the Vaisnavas living there became very glad to have him back after so many years.

One day he was immersed in meditating on the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Syamasundara in Nibhrita Kunja[2]. Suddenly Syamasundara manifested Himself in his meditation and said,

“O Syamananda! Nowadays all inhabitants of Utkal are misbehaving and indulging in horrible sinful activities. Go there and give initiation to my dear Rasika Murari and work jointly to deliver all the inhabitants of Utkal.”

Despite this order, because of his unwillingness to leave Vrindavana Dhama, Sri Syamananda Prabhu did not take any action and also did not disclose this matter to anyone[3]. Syamasundara then appeared in the dream of Jiva Gosvami and said,

“Jiva! I have directed Syamananda thrice to go to Utkal, but he is not going. You should tell him to go.”


[1] We find a similar pastime of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who made dance at the Holy Name even the forest tigers.

[2] Nibhrita Kunja is another name for Seva Kunja.

[3] This is the love and attraction that a devotee has for Vrindavana, that he is unwilling to leave even if the Lord tells him to.


This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.

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