The Sinner Who Takes Refuge in Nama Remains Far Away

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Considering the new sins committed by one who has taken refuge in the Name and performing them on the strength of the Name

Namasrayi nutana papa vicara kariya karile nama-bale papacarana haya

But if someone engages in new sins on the strength of chanting[1], he runs serious risks.

His taking shelter of the Name is only a pretense, and by committing nama-aparadha, he achieves only misery, death and fear.


The difference between acts performed by delusion and acts performed deliberately

Pramada o vicarita karmera bheda

Actions done out of foolishness and those done deliberately are completely different. This is revealed in the bhakti-sastra.

The sinner who takes refuge in Nama remains far away, he who is absorbed in thinking of sense gratification offends the Name

Namasrayira papa kara dure thakuka, pape mati haile-i namaparadha haya

While in this material world, a human being seeking sense gratification should repent and atone.

But if someone commits sins thinking that he can purify them by chanting the Holy Names, he cannot atone and becomes unfortunate.

Even after suffering many hellish punishments from Yama, he cannot be freed from this offense.

Even if he thinks of engaging in material activities, he will be punished that way, so who can calculate his hardships if he actually seeks out sense gratification?


[1] The idea is that lapses from the spiritual standard must be occasional. Not that one plans them and then thinks of purifying them with the chanting of Hare Krishna. In this case the possibility of actually falling is certain.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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