The Nine Jayanteyas Appeared as Nine Sannyasis

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98-101. The nine Jayanteyas, who were fixed in celibacy and equal vision, and who spoke the Sri Bhagavata-samhita to Janaka Rsi, appeared on this earth as nine sannyasis, and continually performed pastimes with Lord Caitanya.

Their names were: Sri Nrsimhananda Tirtha, Sri Satyananda Bharati, Sri Nrsimha Tirtha, Sri Cidananda Tirtha, Sri Jagannatha Tirtha, Sri Vasudeva Tirtha, Sri Rama Tirtha, Sri Purusottama Tirtha, and Sri Garuda Avadhuta, who was also known as Sri Gopendra Asrama.


102/103 Kuvera’s famous nine treasures, which include his conch and lotus, took birth during Lord Caitanya’s pastimes as the nine sons of Nidhiratna Devi.

Their names were Srinidhi, Srigarbha, Kaviratna, Sudhanidhi, Vidyanidhi, Gunanidhi, the learned brahmana Ratnabahu, Sriman Acaryaratna, and Sri Ratnakara Pandita.


This is a section of the book “Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika”.

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