Panihati chida-dadhi mahotsava


The Chida-dadhi Mahotsav, also known as the Chipped Rice Festival of Panihati, is a yearly celebration of the pastimes of Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami and Lord Nityananda Prabhu. This astonishing pastime took place on the banks of the Ganges at Panihati, which is just north of Calcutta. Lord Caitanya and his associates enjoyed many transcendental pastimes here. Chida-dadhi Mahotsav remembers how the Lord mercifully reciprocated with His devotees by arranging, through Nityananda Prabhu and Raghunatha dasa, to provide an ecstatic feast of yoghurt and chipped rice, along with various other nectar foodstuffs. Linked below is an excerpt from Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya lila chapter 6, which describes this wonderful pastime in detail.

The chipped rice festival took place just before the monsoons, when it is very hot (45 – 50 C) and muggy (80 – 90 % humidity), so naturally the most cooling of foodstuffs were offered. Cool yoghurt (dadhi) and chipped rice (chida) were offered with sugar, bananas, milk sweets and cakes.

Our feast menu begins with Ganges Curd Upma, a moist and delicious preparation of vegetables and grain. Before offering, a flavorful stream of yoghurt is poured around the base of the Upma, in honor of the festival goers who had to stand in the Ganges to enjoy their prasadam because there was no room left on the river banks.

A light and simple Cracked Urad Dal is offered, with a side of Banana Chapatis drenched in Orange Cardamom Butter. A sumptuously rich Cauliflower & Red Pepper Sabji is simple to make, and brings smiles to the devotees.

A dry curry of Peas and Paneer is stuffed in a hollow Lemon, which adds nice flavor to the preparation. Rava Idli is a savory cake that goes nicely with the Aloo Kerala Fry, a spicy fried patty of potato and bitter melon.

Nestled amongst the whites of rice and yoghurt is a delightful Stuffed White Baby Eggplant which is filled with spiced almond butter, then wrapped together with lemongrass and baked.

Another pungent savory is the Baigan Sarson, a treat of diced eggplant wrapped in mustard greens, then crispy fried in ghee. Roasted Okra Raita provides a smooth and mellow touch with the spicy dishes, while the Rhubard & Dried Cherry Chutney adds a tangy flavor to the Idli and savouries.

The nectar preparations from the original Chida-dadhi festival are, we hope, faithfully represented by Chida-dadhi Pots. These two wonderful sweet rices are served in traditional clay bowls. In one pot, chipped rice is prepared in sweet yoghurt with bananas, while the second pot contains rice in a sweet, thick kheer with ghee, bananas and camphor.

A milksweet cake, the Gunja-Mala Malpoori is encircled with fresh red and black berries, reminiscent of the garland Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave Raghunatha das to wear around his neck.

Srila Raghunatha dasa gave up eating all foodstuffs after the departure from this world of Srila Sanatana, and from that time on Raghunatha would only take buttermilk in leaf cups. He continued in this way until the departure of Rupa Gosvami, after which Raghunatha gave up all eating and drinking. In honor of this topmost associate of the Lord, we offer Banana Leaf Cups of Buttermilk

The feast is complete with a tart Lime Cooler blending honey, ginger and anise that would surely please all those sitting in the Panihati sun, on the banks of Ganga-Ma.

Where is Panihati? Panihati is located on the banks of the Ganges 10 miles North of Calcutta (North 24-Parganas north of modern day Kolkata – Calcutta), in West Bengal India. It is the site of many wonderful spiritual pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His close personal associates. In this region at this time of year June, pre-monsoon it is so hot, often up in the mid-to-high 40s C (45 – 50 C), and so humid. The most cooling of foods in such a temperature is yogurt, cool yogurt (dahi or dadhi or doi) This pastime of the Lord is about how the devotees pleased Lord Chaitanya and how the Lord reciprocated with the devotees in a very wonderful and pleasing festival called the Panihati Cida-dadhi mahotsav.

In the village of Panihati, Raghunatha dasa obtained an interview with Nityananda Prabhu who was accompanied by many kirtana performers, servants and others. Sitting on a rock under a tree on the bank of the Ganges, Lord Nityananda seemed as effulgent as hundreds and thousands of rising suns. Many devotees sat on the ground surrounding Him. Seeing the influence of Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa was astonished. Raghunatha dasa offered his obeisances by falling prostrate at a distant place, and the servant of Nityananda Prabhu pointed out, “There is Raghunatha dasa, offering You obeisances.”

Hearing this, Lord Nityananda Prabhu said, “You are a thief. Now you have come to see Me. Come here, come here. Today I shall punish you,” the Lord called him, but Raghunatha dasa did not go near the Lord. Then the Lord forcibly caught him and placed His lotus feet upon Raghunatha dasa’s head. “Make a festival and feed all My associates yogurt and chipped rice.” Hearing this, Raghunatha dasa was greatly pleased.

Raghunatha dasa brought chipped rice, yogurt, milk. sweetmeats, sugar, bananas and ether eatables and placed them all around. As soon as they heard that a festival was going to be held, all kinds of brahmanas and other gentlemen began to arrive. Thus there were innumerable people. Seeing the crowd increasing, Raghunatha dasa arranged to get more eatables from other villages. He also brought two to four hundred large, round pots. He also obtained five or seven especially large earthen pots, and in these pots a brahmana began soaking chipped rice for the satisfaction of Lard Nityananda.

In one place, chipped rice was soaked in hot milk in each of the large pots. then half the rice was mixed with yogurt, sugar and bananas. The other half was mixed with condensed milk and a special type of banana known as canpa-kala. Then sugar, clarified butter and camphor were added. After Nityananda Prabhu had changed His cloth far a new one and sat on a raised platform, the brahmana brought before Him the seven huge pots.

On that platform all the most important associates of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, as well as ether important men, sat down in a circle around the Lord. Among them were Ramadasa, Sundarananda, Gadadhara dasa, Murari, Kamalakara, Sadasiva and Purandara. Dhananjaya, Jagadisa, Paramesvara dasa, Mahesa, Gauridas and Hoda Krsnadasa were also there, Similarly, Uddharana Datta Thakura and many other personal associates of the Lord sat on the raised platform with Nityananda Prabhu. No one could count them all.

Hearing about the festival, all kinds of learned scholars, brahmanas and priests went there, Lord Nityananda Prabhu honored them and made them sit on the raised platform with Him. Everyone was offered two earthen pots. In one was put chipped rice with condensed milk and in the ether chipped rice with yogurt. All the other People sat in groups around the platform. No one could count how many people there were. Each and every one of them was supplied two earthen pots, one of chipped rice soaked in yogurt and the other of chipped rice soaked in condensed milk.

Some of the brahmanas, not having gotten a place on the platform, went to the bank of the Ganges with their two earthen pots and soaked their chipped rice there. Others, who could not get a place even on the bank of the Ganges, got down into the water and began eating their two kinds of chipped rice. Thus some sat on the platform ,some at the base of the platform, and some on the bank of the Ganges, and they were all supplied two pots each by the twenty men who distributed the food.

At that time, Raghava Pandita arrived there. Seeing the situation, he began to laugh in great surprise. He brought many other kinds of food cooked in ghee and offered them to the Lord. This prasada he first placed before Lord Nityananda and then distributed among the devotees. Raghava Pandita said to Lord Nityananda, “For You, sir, I have already offered food to the Deity, but You are engaged in a festival here, and so the food is lying there untouched.”

Lord Nityananda replied, “Let Me eat all this food here during the day, and I shall eat at your home at night. I belong to a community of cowherd boys, and therefore I generally have many cowherd associates with Me. I am happy when we eat together in a picnic like this by the sandy bank of the river. Lord Nityananda made Raghava Pandita sit down and had two pots delivered to him also. There were two kinds of chipped rice soaked in them.

When chipped rice had been served to everyone, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, in meditation, brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arrived, Lord Nityananda Prabhu stood up. They then saw how the others were enjoying the chipped rice with yogurt and condensed milk. From each and every pot, Lord Nityananda Prabhu took one morsel of chipped rice and pushed it into the mouth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as a joke. In this way Lord Nityananda was walking through all the groups of eaters, and all the Vaisnavas standing there were seeing the fun.

No one could understand what Nityananda Prabhu was doing as He walked about. Some, however, who were very fortunate, could see that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was also present. Then Nityananda Prabhu smiled and sat down. On His right side He kept four pots of chipped rice that had not been made from boiled paddy. Lord Nityananda offered Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu a place and had Him sit dawn. Then together the two brothers began eating chipped rice. Seeing Cord Caitanya Mahaprabhu eating with Him, Lord Nityananda Prabhu became very happy and exhibited varieties of ecstatic love. Lord Nityananda Prabhu ordered, “All of you eat, chanting the holy name of Hari. Immediately the holy names “Hari Hari” resounded, filling the entire universe.

When all the Vaisnavas were chanting the holy names “Hari Hari” and eating, they remembered how Krsna and Balarama ate with their companions, the cowherd boys, on the bank of the Yamuna. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu are extremely merciful and liberal. It was Raghunatha dasa’s good fortune that They accepted all these dealings. Who can understand the influence and mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu? He is so powerful that He induced Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to come eat chipped rice on the bank of the Ganges. All the confidential devotees who were Cowherd boys, headed by Sri Ramadas, were absorbed in ecstatic love. They thought the bank of the Ganges to be the bank of the Yamuna.

When the shopkeepers of many other villages heard about the festival, they arrived there to sell chipped rice, yogurt, sweetmeats and bananas. As they came, bringing all kinds of food, Raghunatha dasa purchased it all. He gave them the price for their goods and later fed them the very same food. Anyone who came to see how these funny things were going on was also fed chipped rice, yogurt and bananas. After Lord Nityananda Prabhu finished eating, He washed His hands and mouth and gave Raghunatha dasa the food remaining in the four pots. There was food remaining in the three other big pots of Lord Nityananda, and a brahmana distributed it to all the devotees, giving a morsel to each. Then a brahmanas brought a flower garland, placed the garland on Nityananda Prabhu’s neck and smeared sandalwood pulp All over His body, When a servant brought betel nuts and offered them to Lord Nityananda, the Lord smiled and chewed them. With His own hands Lord Nityananda Prabhu distributed to all the devotees whatever flower garlands, sandalwood pulp and betel nuts remained

After receiving the remnants of food left by Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa, who was greatly happy, ate some and distributed the rest among his own associates. Thus have I described the pastimes of Lord Nityananda Prabhu in relation to the celebrated festival of chipped rice and yogurt.

Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Antya Lila Vol 2 ch 6.
The Meeting of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami

A summary of this chapter is given by Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrita-pravaha-bhashya as follows. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went into transcendental fits of ecstatic love, Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami attended to Him and satisfied Him as He desired. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami had been attempting to come to the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for a long time, and finally he left his home and met the Lord. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had gone to Santipura on His way to Vrindavana, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami had offered to dedicate his life at the Lord’s lotus feet. in the meantime, however, a Mohammedan official became envious of Hiranya dasa, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami’s uncle, and induced some big official court minister to have him arrested. Thus Hiranya dasa left his home, but by the intelligence of Raghunatha dasa the misunderstanding was mitigated. Then Raghunatha dasa went to Panihati, and, following the order of Nityananda Prabhu, he observed a festival (cida-dadhi-mahotsava) by distributing chipped rice mixed with yogurt. The day after the festival, Nityananda Prabhu gave Raghunatha dasa the blessing that he would very soon attain the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. After this incident, Raghunatha dasa, with the help of his priest, whose name was Yadunandana Acarya, got out of his house by trickery and thus ran away. Not touching the general path, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami secretly went to Jagannatha Puri. After twelve days, he arrived in Jagannatha Puri at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu entrusted Raghunatha dasa Gosvami to Svarupa Damodara Gosvami. Therefore another name for Raghunatha dasa Gosvami is Svarupera Raghu, or the Raghunatha of Svarupa Damodara. For five days Raghunatha dasa Gosvami took prasada at the temple, but later he would stand at the Simha-dvara gate and eat only whatever he could gather by alms. Later he lived by taking alms from various chatras, or food distributing centers. When Raghunatha’s father received news of this, he sent some men and money, but Raghunatha dasa Gosvami refused to accept the money. Understanding that Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was living by begging from the chatras, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented him with His own gunja-mala and a stone from Govardhana Hill. Thereafter, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami used to eat rejected food that he had collected and washed. This renounced life greatly pleased both
Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One day Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took by force some of the same food, thus blessing Raghunatha dasa Gosvami for his renunciation.
Antya 6.35
In this way Raghunatha dasa passed one year exactly like a first-class business manager, but the next year he again decided to leave home.
Antya 6.36
ratre uthi’ ekela calila palana
dura haite pita tanre anila dhariya
He got up alone one night and left, but his father caught him in a distant place and brought him back.
Antya 6.37
ei-mate bare bare palaya, dhari’ ane
tabe tanra mata kahe tanra pita sane
This became almost a daily affair. Raghunatha would run away from home, and his father would again bring him back. Then Raghunatha dasa’s mother began speaking to his father.
Antya 6.38
“putra batula’ ha-ila, ihaya rakhaha bandhiya”
tanra pita kahe tare nirvinna hana
“Our son has become mad,” she said. “Just keep him by binding him with ropes.” His father, being very unhappy, replied to her as follows.
Antya 6.39
“indra-sama aisvarya, stri apsara-sama
e saba bandhite narileka yanra mana
“Raghunatha dasa, our son, has opulences like Indra, the heavenly King, and his wife is as beautiful as an angel. Yet all this could not tie down his mind.
Antya 6.40
dadira bandhane tanre rakhiba ke-mate?
janma-data-pita nare ‘prarabdha’ khandaite
“How then could we keep this boy home by binding him with ropes? It is not possible even for one’s father to nullify the reactions of one’s past activities.
Antya 6.41
caitanya-candrera kripa hanache inhare
caitanya-candrera ‘batula’ ke rakhite pare?”
“Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has fully bestowed His mercy on him. Who can keep home such a madman of Caitanyacandra?”
Antya 6.42
tabe raghunatha kichu vicarila mane
nityananda-gosanira pasa calila ara dine
Then Raghunatha dasa considered something in his mind, and the next day he went to Nityananda Gosani.
Antya 6.43
panihati-grame paila prabhura darasana
kirtaniya sevaka sange ara bahu-jana
In the village of Panihati, Raghunatha dasa obtained an interview with Nityananda Prabhu, who was accompanied by many kirtana performers, servants and others.
Antya 6.44
ganga-tire vriksha-mule pindara upare
vasiyachena——yena koti suryodaya kare
Sitting on a rock under a tree on the bank of the Ganges, Lord Nityananda seemed as effulgent as hundreds and thousands of rising suns.
Antya 6.45
tale upare bahu-bhakta hanache veshtita
dekhi’ prabhura prabhava raghunatha——vismita
Many devotees sat on the ground surrounding Him. Seeing the influence of Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa was astonished.
Antya 6.46
dandavat hana sei padila kata-dure
sevaka kahe,——‘raghunatha dandavat kare’
Raghunatha dasa offered his obeisances by falling prostrate at a distant place, and the servant of Nityananda Prabhu pointed out, “There is Raghunatha dasa, offering You obeisances.”
Antya 6.47
suni’ prabhu kahe,——“cora dili darasana
aya, aya, aji tora karimu dandana”
Hearing this, Lord Nityananda Prabhu said,“You are a thief. Now you have come to see Me. Come here, come here. Today I shall punish you!”
Antya 6.48
prabhu bolaya, tenho nikate na kare gamana
akarshiya tanra mathe prabhu dharila carana
The Lord called him, but Raghunatha dasa did not go near the Lord. Then the Lord forcibly caught him and placed His lotus feet upon Raghunatha dasa’s head.
Antya 6.49
kautuki nityananda sahaje dayamaya
raghunathe kahe kichu hana sadaya
Lord Nityananda was by nature very merciful and funny. Being merciful, He spoke to Raghunatha dasa as follows.
Antya 6.50
“nikate na aisa, cora, bhaga’ dure dure
aji lag panachi, dandimu tomare
“You are just like a thief, for instead of coming near, you stay away at a distant place. Now that I have captured you, I shall punish you.
Antya 6.51
dadhi, cida bhakshana karaha mora gane”
suni’ anandita haila raghunatha mane
“Make a festival and feed all My associates yogurt and chipped rice.” Hearing this, Raghunatha dasa was greatly pleased.
Antya 6.52
sei-kshane nija-loka pathaila grame
bhakshya-dravya loka saba grama haite ane
Raghunatha dasa immediately sent his own men to the village to purchase all kinds of eatables and bring them back.
Antya 6.53
cida, dadhi, dugdha, sandesa, ara cini, kala
saba dravya anana caudike dharila
Raghunatha dasa brought chipped rice, yogurt, milk, sweetmeats, sugar, bananas and other eatables and placed them all around.
Antya 6.54
‘mahotsava’-nama suni’ brahmana-sajjana
asite lagila loka asankhya-ganana
As soon as they heard that a festival was going to be held, all kinds of brahmanas and other gentlemen began to arrive. Thus there were innumerable people.
Antya 6.55
ara gramantara haite samagri anila
sata dui-cari holna tanha anaila
Seeing the crowd increasing, Raghunatha dasa arranged to get more eatables from other villages. He also brought two to four hundred large, round earthen pots.
Antya 6.56
bada bada mrit-kundika anaila panca sate
eka vipra prabhu lagi’ cida bhijaya tate
He also obtained five or seven especially large earthen pots, and in these pots a brahmana began soaking chipped rice for the satisfaction of Lord Nityananda.
Antya 6.57
.eka-thani tapta-dugdhe cida bhijana
ardheka chanila dadhi, cini, kala diya
In one place, chipped rice was soaked in hot milk in each of the large pots. Then half the rice was mixed with yogurt, sugar and bananas.
Antya 6.58
ara ardheka ghanavrita-dugdhete chanila
canpa-kala, cini, ghrita, karpura tate dila
The other half was mixed with condensed milk and a special type of banana known as canpa-kala. Then sugar, clarified butter and camphor were added.
Antya 6.59
dhuti pari’ prabhu yadi pindate vasila
sata-kundi vipra tanra agete dharila
After Nityananda Prabhu had changed His cloth for a new one and sat on a raised platform, the brahmana brought before Him the seven huge pots.
Antya 6.60
cabutara-upare yata prabhura nija-gane
bada bada loka vasila mandali-racane
On that platform, all the most important associates of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, as well as other important men, sat down in a circle around the Lord.
Antya 6.61
ramadasa, sundarananda, dasa-gadadhara
murari, kamalakara, sadasiva, purandara
Among them were Ramadasa, Sundarananda, Gadadhara dasa, Murari, Kamalakara, Sadasiva and Purandara.
Antya 6.62
dhananjaya, jagadisa, paramesvara-dasa
mahesa, gauridasa, hoda-krishnadasa
Dhananjaya, Jagadisa, Paramesvara dasa, Mahesa, Gauridasa and Hoda Krishnadasa were also there.
Antya 6.63
.uddharana datta adi yata nija-gana
upare vasila saba, ke kare ganana?
Similarly, Uddharana Datta Thakura and many other personal associates of the Lord sat on the raised platform with Nityananda Prabhu. No one could count them all.
The devotees mentioned herein are described by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura in his Anubhashya. For further information one may consult the following references in the Adi-lila. Ramadasa—Chapter Ten, texts 116 and 118, and Chapter Eleven, texts 13 and 16. Sundarananda—11.23, Gadadhara dasa—10.53, His full name is Murari Caitanya dasa, and he is a personal associate of Nityananda Prabhu. Thus one should consult Chapter Eleven, text 20. Kamalakara—11.24. Sadasiva—11.38. Purandara—11.28. Dhananjaya—11.31. Jagadisa—11.30. Paramesvara—11.29. Mahesa—11.32. Gauridasa—11.26. Hoda Krishnadasa—11.47. Uddharana Datta Thakura—11.41.
Antya 6.64
suni’ pandita bhattacarya yata vipra aila
manya kari’ prabhu sabare upare vasaila
Hearing about the festival, all kinds of learned scholars, brahmanas and priests went there. Lord Nityananda Prabhu honored them and made them sit on the raised platform with Him.
Antya 6.65
dui dui mrit-kundika sabara age dila
eke dugdha-cida, are dadhi-cida kaila
Everyone was offered two earthen pots. In one was put chipped rice with condensed milk and in the other chipped rice with yogurt.
Antya 6.66
ara yata loka saba cotara-talane
mandali-bandhe vasila, tara na haya ganane
All the other people sat in groups around the platform. No one could count how many people there were.
Antya 6.67
ekeka janare dui dui holna dila
dadhi-cida dugdha-cida, duite bhijaila
Each and every one of them was supplied two earthen pots—one of chipped rice soaked in yogurt and the other of chipped rice soaked in condensed milk.
Antya 6.68
kona kona vipra upare sthana na pana
dui holnaya cida bhijaya ganga-tire giya
Some of the brahmanas, not having gotten a place on the platform, went to the bank of the Ganges with their two earthen pots and soaked their chipped rice there.
Antya 6.69
tire sthana na pana ara kata jana
jale nami’ dadhi-cida karaye bhakshana
Others, who could not get a place even on the bank of the Ganges, got down into the water and began eating their two kinds of chipped rice.
Antya 6.70
keha upare, keha tale, keha ganga-tire
bisa-jana tina-thani parivesana kare
Thus some sat on the platform, some at the base of the platform, and some on the bank of the Ganges, and they were all supplied two pots each by the twenty men who distributed the food.
Antya 6.71
hena-kale aila tatha raghava pandita
hasite lagila dekhi’ hana vismita
At that time, Raghava Pandita arrived there. Seeing the situation, he began to laugh in great surprise.
Antya 6.72
ni-sakdi nana-mata prasada anila
prabhure age diya bhakta-gane banti dila
He brought many other kinds of food cooked in ghee and offered to the Lord. This prasada he first placed before Lord Nityananda and then distributed among the devotees.
Antya 6.73
prabhure kahe,——“toma lagi’ bhoga lagaila
tumi ihan utsava kara, ghare prasada rahila”
Raghava Pandita said to Lord Nityananda, “For You, sir, I have already offered food to the Deity, but You are engaged in a festival here, and so the food is lying there untouched.”

Antya 6.74
prabhu kahe,——“e-dravya dine kariye bhojana
ratrye tomara ghare prasada karimu bhakshana
Lord Nityananda replied, “Let Me eat all this food here during the day, and I shall eat at your home at night.
Antya 6.75
gopa-jati ami bahu gopa-gana sange
ami sukha pai ei pulina-bhojana-range”
“I belong to a community of cowherd boys, and therefore I generally have many cowherd associates with Me. I am happy when we eat together in a picnic like this by the sandy bank of the river.”
Antya 6.76
raghave vasana dui kundi deoyaila
raghava dvividha cida tate bhijaila
Lord Nityananda made Raghava Pandita sit down and had two pots delivered to him also. There were two kinds of chipped rice soaked in them.
Antya 6.77
sakala-lokera cida purna yabe ha-ila
dhyane tabe prabhu mahaprabhure anila
When chipped rice had been served to everyone, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, in meditation, brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.78
mahaprabhu aila dekhi’ nitai uthila
tanre lana sabara cida dekhite lagila
When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arrived, Lord Nityananda Prabhu stood up. They then saw how the others were enjoying the chipped rice with yogurt and condensed milk.
Antya 6.79
sakala kundira, holnara cidara eka eka grasa
mahaprabhura mukhe dena kari’ parihasa
From each and every pot, Lord Nityananda Prabhu took one morsel of chipped rice and pushed it into the mouth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as a joke.
Antya 6.80
hasi’ mahaprabhu ara eka grasa lana
tanra mukhe diya khaoyaya hasiya hasiya
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, also smiling, took a morsel of food, pushed it into the mouth of Nityananda and laughed as He made Lord Nityananda eat it.
Antya 6.81
ei-mata nitai bule sakala mandale
dandana ranga dekhe vaishnava sakale
In this way Lord Nityananda was walking through all the groups of eaters, and all the Vaishnavas standing there were seeing the fun.
Antya 6.82
ki kariya bedaya,——iha keha nahi jane
mahaprabhura darsana pa ya kona bhagyavane
No one could understand what Nityananda Prabhu was doing as He walked about. Some, however, who were very fortunate, could see that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was also present.
Antya 6.83
tabe hasi’ nityananda vasila asane
cari kundi aroya cida rakhila dahine
Then Nityananda Prabhu smiled and sat down. On His right side He kept four pots of chipped rice that had not been made from boiled paddy.
Antya 6.84
asana diya mahaprabhure tahan vasaila
dui bhai tabe cida khaite lagila
Lord Nityananda offered Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu a place and had Him sit down. Then together the two brothers began eating chipped rice.
Antya 6.85
dekhi’ nityananda-prabhu anandita haila
kata kata bhavavesa prakasa karila
Seeing Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu eating with Him, Lord Nityananda Prabhu became very happy and exhibited varieties of ecstatic love.
Antya 6.86
ajna dila,——‘hari bali’ karaha bhojana’
‘hari’ ‘hari’-dhvani uthi’ bharila bhuvana
Lord Nityananda Prabhu ordered,“All of you eat, chanting the holy name of Hari.” Immediately the holy names “Hari, Hari” resounded, filling the entire universe.
Antya 6.87
‘hari’ ‘hari’ bali’ vaishnava karaye bhojana
pulina-bhojana sabara ha-ila smarana
When all the Vaishnavas were chanting the holy names“Hari, Hari” and eating, they remembered how Krishna and Balarama ate with Their companions the cowherd boys on the bank of the Yamuna.
Antya 6.88
nityananda mahaprabhu——kripalu, udara
raghunathera bhagye eta kaila angikara
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu are extremely merciful and liberal. It was Raghunatha dasa’s good fortune that They accepted all these dealings.
Antya 6.89
nityananda-prabhava-kripa janibe kon jana?
mahaprabhu ani’ kara ya pulina-bhojana
Who can understand the influence and mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu? He is so powerful that He induced Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to come eat chipped rice on the bank of the Ganges.
Antya 6.90
sri-ramadasadi gopa premavishta haila
ganga-tire ‘yamuna-pulina’ jnana kaila
All the confidential devotees who were cowherd boys, headed by Sri Ramadasa, were absorbed in ecstatic love. They thought the bank of the Ganges to be the bank of the Yamuna.
Antya 6.91
mahotsava suni’ pasari nana-grama haite
cida, dadhi, sandesa, kala anila vecite
When the shopkeepers of many other villages heard about the festival, they arrived there to sell chipped rice, yogurt, sweetmeats and bananas.
Antya 6.92
yata dravya lana aise, saba mulya kari’ laya
tara dravya mulya diya tahare khaoyaya
As they came, bringing all kinds of food, Raghunatha dasa purchased it all. He gave them the price for their goods and later fed them the very same food.
Antya 6.93
kautuka dekhite aila yata yata jana
sei cida, dadhi, kala karila bhakshana
Anyone who came to see how these funny things were going on was also fed chipped rice, yogurt and bananas.
Antya 6.94
bhojana kari’ nityananda acamana kaila
cari kundira avasesha raghunathe dila
After Lord Nityananda Prabhu finished eating, He washed His hands and mouth and gave Raghunatha dasa the food remaining in the four pots.
Antya 6.95
ara tina kundikaya avasesha chila
grase-grase kari’ vipra saba bhakte dila
There was food remaining in the three other big pots of Lord Nityananda, and a brahmana distributed it to all the devotees, giving a morsel to each.
Antya 6.96
pushpa-mala vipra ani’ prabhu-gale dila
candana aniya prabhura sarvange lepila
Then a brahmana brought a flower garland, placed the garland on Nityananda Prabhu’s neck and smeared sandalwood pulp all over His body.
Antya 6.97
sevaka tambula lana kare samarpana
hasiya hasiya prabhu karaye carvana
When a servant brought betel nuts and offered them to Lord Nityananda, the Lord smiled and chewed them.
Antya 6.98
mala-candana-tambula sesha ye achila
sri-haste prabhu taha sabakare banti’ dila
With His own hands Lord Nityananda Prabhu distributed to all the devotees whatever flower garlands, sandalwood pulp and betel nuts remained.
Antya 6.99
anandita raghunatha prabhura ‘sesha, pana
apanara gana-saha khaila bantiya
After receiving the remnants of food left by Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa, who was greatly happy, ate some and distributed the rest among his own associates.
Antya 6.100
ei ta’ kahilun nityanandera vihara
‘cida-dadhi-mahotsava’-name khyati yara
Thus I have described the pastimes of Lord Nityananda Prabhu in relation to the celebrated festival of chipped rice and yogurt.
Antya 6.101
prabhu visrama kaila, yadi dina-sesha haila
raghava-mandire tabe kirtana arambhila
Nityananda Prabhu rested for the day, and when the day ended He went to the temple of Raghava Pandita and began congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord.
Antya 6.102
bhakta saba nacana nityananda-raya
seshe nritya kare preme jagat bhasaya
Lord Nityananda Prabhu first influenced all the devotees to dance, and finally He Himself began dancing, thus inundating the entire world in ecstatic love.
Antya 6.103
mahaprabhu tanra nritya karena darasana
sabe nityananda dekhe, na dekhe anya-jana
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was observing the dancing of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Nityananda Prabhu could see this, but the others could not.
Antya 6.104
nityanandera nritya,——yena tanhara nartane
upama dibara nahi e-tina bhuvane
The dancing of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, like the dancing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, cannot be compared to anything within these three worlds.
Antya 6.105
nrityera madhuri keba varnibare pare
mahaprabhu aise yei nritya dekhibare
No one can properly describe the sweetness of Lord Nityananda’s dancing. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally comes to see it.
Antya 6.106
nritya kari’ prabhu yabe visrama karila
bhojanera lagi’ pandita nivedana kaila
After the dancing and after Lord Nityananda had rested, Raghava Pandita submitted his request that the Lord take supper.
Antya 6.107
bhojane vasila prabhu nija-gana lana
mahaprabhura asana dahine patiya
Lord Nityananda Prabhu sat down for supper with His personal associates and made a sitting place on His right side for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.108
mahaprabhu asi’ sei asane vasila
dekhi’ raghavera mane ananda badila
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came there and sat down at His place. Seeing this, Raghava Pandita felt increasing happiness. Raghava Pandita felt increasing happiness.
Antya 6.109
dui-bhai-age prasada aniya dharila
sakala vaishnave piche parivesana kaila
Raghava Pandita brought the prasada before the two brothers and thereafter distributed prasada to all the other Vaishnavas.
Antya 6.110
nana-prakara pitha, payasa, divya salyanna
amrita nindaye aiche vividha vyanjana
There were varieties of cakes, sweet rice and fine cooked rice that surpassed the taste of nectar. There were also varieties of vegetables.
Antya 6.111
raghava-thakurera prasada amritera sara
mahaprabhu yaha khaite aise bara bara
The food prepared and offered to the Deity by Raghava Pandita was like the essence of nectar. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came there again and again to eat such prasada.
Antya 6.112
paka kari’ raghava yabe bhoga lagaya
mahaprabhura lagi’ bhoga prithak badaya
When Raghava Pandita offered the food to the Deity after cooking, he would make a separate offering for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.113
prati-dina mahaprabhu karena bhojana
madhye madhye prabhu tanre dena darasana
Every day, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would eat at the house of Raghava Pandita. Sometimes He would give Raghava Pandita the opportunity to see Him.
Antya 6.114
dui bhaire raghava ani’ parivese
yatna kari’ khaoyaya, na rahe avaseshe
Raghava Pandita would bring and distribute prasada to the two brothers, feeding Them with great attention. They ate everything, and therefore there were no remnants left.
Antya 6.115
kata upahara ane, hena nahi jani
raghavera ghare randhe radha-thakurani
He brought so many presentations that no one could know them perfectly. Indeed, it was a fact that the supreme mother, Radharani, personally cooked in the house of Raghava Pandita.
Antya 6.116
durvasara thani tenho panachena vara
amrita ha-ite paka tanra adhika madhura
Srimati Radharani received from Durvasa Muni the benediction that whatever She cooked would be sweeter than nectar. (Gopal Champu) That is the special feature of Her cooking.
Antya 6.117
sugandhi sundara prasada——madhuryera sara
dui bhai taha khana santosha apara
Aromatic and pleasing to see, the food was the essence of all sweetness. Thus the two brothers, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu, ate it with great satisfaction.
Antya 6.118
bhojane vasite raghunathe kahe sarva-jana
pandita kahe,——inha pache karibe bhojana’
All the devotees present requested Raghunatha dasa to sit down and take prasada, but Raghava Pandita told them,“He will take prasada later.”
Antya 6.119
bhakta-gana akantha bhariya karila bhojana
‘hari’ dhvani kari’ uthi’ kaila acamana
All the devotees took prasada, filling themselves to the brim. Thereafter, chanting the holy name of Hari, they stood up and washed their hands and mouths.
Antya 6.120
bhojana kari’ dui bhai kaila acamana
raghava ani’ paraila malya-candana
After eating, the two brothers washed Their hands and mouths. Then Raghava Pandita brought fIower garlands and sandalwood pulp and decorated Them.
Antya 6.121
bida khaoyaila, kaila carana vandana
bhakta-gane dila bida, malya-candana
Raghava Pandita offered Them betel nuts and worshiped Their lotus feet. He also distributed betel nuts, flower garlands and sandalwood pulp to the devotees.
Antya 6.122
raghavera kripa raghunathera upare
dui bhaiera avasishta patra dila tanre
Raghava Pandita, being very merciful toward Raghunatha dasa, offered him the dishes with the remnants of food left by the two brothers.
Antya 6.123
kahila,——“caitanya gosani kariyachena bhojana
tanra sesha paile, tomara khandila bandhana”
He said, “Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has eaten this food. If you take His remnants, you will be released from the bondage of your family.”
Antya 6.124
bhakta-citte bhakta-grihe sada avasthana
kabhu gupta, kabhu vyakta, svatantra bhagavan
The Supreme Personality of Godhead always resides either in the heart or in the home of a devotee. This fact is sometimes hidden and sometimes manifest, for the Supreme Personality of Godhead is fully independent.
Antya 6.125
sarvatra ‘vyapaka’ prabhura sada sarvatra vasa
ihate samsaya yara, sei yaya nasa
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is all-pervasive, and therefore He resides everywhere. Anyone who doubts this will be annihilated.
Antya 6.126
prate nityananda prabhu ganga-snana kariya
sei vriksha-mule vasila nija-gana lana
In the morning, after taking His bath in the Ganges, Nityananda Prabhu sat down with His associates beneath the same tree under which He had previously sat.
Antya 6.127
raghunatha asi’ kaila carana vandana
raghava-pandita-dvara kaila nivedana
Raghunatha dasa went there and worshiped Lord Nityananda’s lotus feet. Through Raghava Pandita, he submitted his desire.
Antya 6.128
“adhama, pamara mui hina jivadhama!
mora iccha haya——pana caitanya-carana
“I am the lowest of men, the most sinful, fallen and condemned. Nevertheless, I desire to attain the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.129
vamana hana yena canda dharibare caya
aneka yatna kainu, tate kabhu siddha naya
“Like a dwarf who wants to catch the moon, I have tried my best many times, but I have never been successful.
Antya 6.130
yata-bara palai ami grihadi chadiya
pita, mata——dui more rakhaye bandhiya
“Every time I tried to go away and give up my home relationships, my father and mother unfortunately kept me bound.

Antya 6.131
tomara kripa vina keha ‘caitanya’ na paya
tumi kripa kaile tanre adhameha paya
“No one can attain the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu without Your mercy, but if You are merciful, even the lowest of men ca attain shelter at His lotus feet.
Antya 6.132
ayogya mui nivedana karite kari bhaya
more ‘caitanya’ deha’ gosani hana sadaya
“Although I am unfit and greatly afraid to submit this plea, I nevertheless request You, sir, to be especially merciful toward me by granting me shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.133
mora mathe pada dhari’ karaha prasada
nirvighne caitanya pana——kara asirvada”
“Placing Your feet on my head, give me the benediction that I may achieve the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu without difficulty. I pray for this benediction.”
Antya 6.134
suni’ hasi’ kahe prabhu saba bhakta-gane
“ihara vishaya-sukha——indra-sukha-sama
After hearing this appeal by Raghunatha dasa, Lord Nityananda Prabhu smiled and told all the devotees, “Raghunatha dasa’s standard of material happiness is equal to that of Indra, the King of heaven.
Antya 6.135
caitanya-kripate seha nahi bhaya mane
sabe asirvada kara——pauka caitanya-carane
“Because of the mercy bestowed upon him by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Raghunatha dasa, although situated in such material happiness, does not like it at all. Therefore let every one of you be merciful toward him and give him the benediction that he may very soon attain shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.136
krishna-pada-padma-gandha yei jana paya
brahmaloka-adi-sukha tanre nahi bhaya”
“One who experiences the fragrance of the lotus feet of Lord Krishna does not even value the standard of happiness available in Brahmaloka, the topmost planet. And what to speak of heavenly happiness?
Antya 6.137
yo dustyajan dara-sutan
suhrid-rajyam hridi-sprisah
jahau yuvaiva malavad
“Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is offered sublime, poetic prayers by those trying to attain His favor. Thus He is known as Uttamasloka. Being very eager to gain the association of Lord Krishna, King Bharata, although in the prime of youth, gave up his very attractive wife, affectionate children, most beloved friends and opulent kingdom, exactly as one gives up stool after excreting it.’ ”
This verse is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.14.43).
Antya 6.138
tabe raghunathe prabhu nikate bolaila
tanra mathe pada dhari’ kahite lagila
Then Lord Nityananda Prabhu called Raghunatha dasa near Him, placed His lotus feet upon Raghunatha dasa’s head and began to speak.
Antya 6.139
“tumi ye karaila ei pulina-bhojana
tomaya kripa kari’ gaura kaila agamana
“My dear Raghunatha dasa,” He said, “since you arranged the feast on the bank of the Ganges, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came here just to show you His mercy.
Antya 6.140
kripa kari’ kaila cida-dugdha bhojana
nritya dekhi’ ratrye kaila prasada bhakshana
“By His causeless mercy He ate the chipped rice and milk. Then, after seeing the dancing of the devotees at night, He took His supper.
Antya 6.141
toma uddharite gaura aila apane
chutila tomara yata vighnadi-bandhane
“Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Gaurahari, came here personally to deliver you. Now rest assured that all the impediments meant for your bondage are gone.
Antya 6.142
svarupera sthane toma karibe samarpane
‘antaranga’ bhritya bali’ rakhibe carane
“Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will accept you and place you under the charge of His secretary, Svarupa Damodara. You will thus become one of the most confidential internal servants and will attain the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Antya 6.143
niscinta hana yaha apana-bhavana
acire nirvighne pabe caitanya-carana”
“Being assured of all this, return to your own home. Very soon, without impediments, you will attain the shelter of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
Antya 6.144
saba bhakta-dvare tanre asirvada karaila
tan-sabara carana raghunatha vandila
Lord Nityananda had Raghunatha dasa blessed by all the devotees, and Raghunatha dasa offered his respects to their lotus feet.
Antya 6.145
prabhu-ajna lana vaishnavera ajna la-ila
raghava-sahite nibhrite yukti karila

After taking leave of Lord Nityananda Prabhu and then all the other Vaishnavas, Sri Raghunatha dasa consulted secretly with Raghava Pandita.
Antya 6.146
yukti kari’ sata mudra, sona tola-sate
nibhrite dila prabhura bhandarira hate
After consulting with Raghava Pandita, he secretly delivered one hundred gold coins and about seven tolas of gold to the hand of Nityananda Prabhu’s treasurer.
Antya 6.147
tanre nishedhila,——“prabhure ebe na kahiba
nija-ghare yabena yabe tabe nivediba”
Raghunatha dasa admonished the treasurer, “Do not speak about this to Lord Nityananda Prabhu now, but when He returns home, kindly inform Him about this presentation.”
Antya 6.148
tabe raghava-pandita tanre ghare lana gela
thakura darsana karana mala-candana dila
Thereupon, Raghava Pandita took Raghunatha dasa to his home. After inducing him to see the Deity, he gave Raghunatha dasa a garland and sandalwood pulp.
Antya 6.149
aneka ‘prasada’ dila pathe khaibare
tabe punah raghunatha kahe panditere
He gave Raghunatha dasa a large quantity of prasada to eat on his way home. Then Raghunatha dasa again spoke to Raghava Pandita.
Antya 6.150
“prabhura sange yata mahanta, bhritya asrita jana
pujite cahiye ami sabara carana
“I want to give money,” he said, “just to worship the lotus feet of all the great devotees, servants and subservants of Lord Nityananda Prabhu.
Antya 6.151
bisa, panca-dasa, bara, dasa, panca haya
mudra deha’ vicari’ yara yata yogya haya
“As you think fit, give twenty, fifteen, twelve, ten or five coins to each of them.”
Antya 6.152
saba lekha kariya raghava-pasa dila
yanra name yata raghava cithi lekhaila
Raghunatha dasa drew up an account of the amount to be given and submitted it to Raghava Pandita, who then made up a list showing how much money was to be paid to each and every devotee.
Antya 6.153
eka-sata mudra ara sona tola-dvaya
panditera age dila kariya vinaya
With great humility, Raghunatha dasa placed one hundred gold coins and about two tolas of gold before Raghava Pandita for all the other devotees.
Antya 6.154
tanra pada-dhuli lana svagrihe aila
nityananda-kripa pana kritartha manila
After taking dust from the feet of Raghava Pandita, Raghunatha dasa returned to his home, feeling greatly obligated to Lord Nityananda Prabhu because of having received His merciful benediction.

— — —

Panihati even to this day remains the rice trading capital of Bengal, and as many of you would know Bengal is the rice capital of India. In India they decide that as well as puffing the rice they can flatten the rice. This makes for a variety in taste and it is easily digested and cools the Body.

There are many varieties of the Ciradadhi, the base of it is usually as mentioned in Chaitanya Charitamrita; two pots were brought by each devotee one of chipped rice soaked in yogurt and the other of chipped rice soaked in condensed milk. There are also many nice fruits such as bananas, mango, chikoo, papaya, etc different sugars, rose water, saffron, camphor, etc etc……that are carefully and tastefully combined making a suptuous feast for the Lord. So some are sweet with yogurt, and some are sweet with condensed milk (khoya), and some are salty with yogurt………

Here are the references:
Antya 6.53
cida, dadhi, dugdha, sandesa, ara cini, kala
saba dravya anana caudike dharila
Raghunatha dasa brought chipped rice, yogurt, milk, sweetmeats, sugar, bananas and other eatables and placed them all around.
Antya 6.54
‘mahotsava’-nama suni’ brahmana-sajjana
asite lagila loka asankhya-ganana
As soon as they heard that a festival was going to be held, all kinds of brahmanas and other gentlemen began to arrive. Thus there were innumerable people.
Antya 6.55
ara gramantara haite samagri anila
sata dui-cari holna tanha anaila
Seeing the crowd increasing, Raghunatha dasa arranged to get more eatables from other villages. He also brought two to four hundred large, round earthen pots.
Antya 6.56
bada bada mrit-kundika anaila panca sate
eka vipra prabhu lagi’ cida bhijaya tate
He also obtained five or seven especially large earthen pots, and in these pots a brahmana began soaking chipped rice for the satisfaction of Lord Nityananda.
Antya 6.57
.eka-thani tapta-dugdhe cida bhijana
ardheka chanila dadhi, cini, kala diya
In one place, chipped rice was soaked in hot milk in each of the large pots. Then half the rice was mixed with yogurt, sugar and bananas.
Antya 6.58
ara ardheka ghanavrita-dugdhete chanila
canpa-kala, cini, ghrita, karpura tate dila
The other half was mixed with condensed milk and a special type of banana known as canpa-kala. Then sugar, clarified butter and camphor were added.

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