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Padyavali of Srila Govinda das, Part 6

Song 16 (Dhanasi-raga)
1. (Refrain) sundari tuhu badi hridaya pashana
tuya lagi madana- saranale pidita
jiba-ite samsaya kana
2. baithali taru-tale pantha nehara-i
nayane galaye ghana lora
ra-i ra-i kari saghane japaye hari
tuya bhabe taru deya kora
3. sitala nalini-dala tahe malayanila
agore lepa-i anga
camaki camaki hari uthata kata beri
hanata madana-taranga
4. calaha bipine dhani ramani-siromani
jhata kari bhetaha kana
gobinda-dasera bani turite calaha dhani
kanu bhela bahuta nidana
1. (Refrain) O beautiful girl, Your heart is like stone. Because of You Krishna is tormented, is wounded by Kamadeva’s flaming arrows. Because of You Krishna’s very life is now in doubt.

2. Sitting under a tree, Krishna watches the pathway. Tears glide from His eyes. “Radha! Radha!” is the japa He chants. He is overcome with love for You.

3. Bearing the fragrance of lotus petals, the cooling Malaya breeze anoints His body. Again and again He is startled. How many times does He stand up? Kamadeva’s waves toss Him to and fro.

4. O beautiful girl, run to the forest. O crest jewel of all beautiful girls, go and meet Krishna. Govinda dasa says: O beautiful girl, quickly go. Krishna is on the verge of death.


Song 17 (Kamoda-raga)
1. gaura barana tanu sohana mohana
sundara madhura su-thama
anupama aruna kirana jini ambara
sundara caru bayana
2. (Refrain) pekhalu gaurangacandra bibhora
kali-yuga kalusha- timira-ghora-nasaka
nabadwipa canda ujora
3. bhabahi bhora ghora duhum locana
mocana bhaba-nada-bandha
naba naba prema-bhara bara tanu sundara
uyala bhakata gana sanga
4. lahu lahu hasa bhasha mridu bolata
sohata gati ati manda
dina jane nija bija saba de-i tarala
bancita dasa gobinda
1. His complexion is fair. His form is splendid, enchanting, handsome, sweet, and graceful. His garments defeat the peerless rising sun. His face is handsome and graceful.

2. (Refrain) I saw Lord Gaurangacandra. Now I am overcome. Lord Gaura is a splendid moon rising in Navadvipa, a moon that destroys the horrible darkness of Kali-yuga’s sins.

3. His eyes are restless with ecstatic spiritual love. He frees everyone from the bonds of repeated birth and death. His graceful form is overcome with newer and newer ecstatic spiritual love. He stays amongst the devotees.

4. He gently gently smiles. He speaks sweet words. His slow movements are graceful. Giving them the seed of ecstatic spiritual love, He delivers the poor fallen people. Only Govinda dasa He did not deliver. Only Govinda dasa was cheated.


Song 18 (Sri-raga)
1. cikana kala galaya mala
bajaye nupura paya
cudara phule bhramara bule
teracha nayane caya
2. kalindi-kule ki pekhinu sa-i
chaliya nagara kana
ghara mu ya-ite narinu sa-i
akula karila prana
3. canda jhalamali mayura pakha
cudaya udaye baya
ishat hasiya madhura bamsari
madhura madhura gaya
4. rasera bhare anga na dhare
keli-kadambera helav kulabati sati yubati janara
parana la-iya khela
5. srabane cancala makara kundala
pindhana pinala basa
ranga utpala carana-yugala
nichani gobinda-dasa
1. His black complexion glistened. A flower-garland rested on His neck. On His feet anklets jangled. Flowers adorned His hair. Black bees flew nearby. He glanced at me with crooked eyes.

2. Whom did I see, O gopi-friend, on the Yamuna’s banks? It was the cheater Krishna, the rake Krishna. O friend, I had no power to run home. My life’s breath became anxious.

3. The moon shone. The breeze made His peacock-feather in His crown move to and fro. He gently smiled. He sweetly sweetly played on His sweet flute.

4. Overcome with sweetness, He could not stand up. He leaned against a keli-kadamba tree. His sport is to cheat saintly young girls of their very life’s breath.

5. Shark-shaped earrings swung on His ears. His garments were yellow. His feet were red lotus flowers. Govinda dasa worships Him.


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