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Hiranyangi’s complexion is golden. She was born from the womb of a doe. Her bodily charm is like an abode of all beauty.

Mahavasu Gopa (Hiranyangi’s father) is always absorbed in performing sacrifices. He is celebrated, religiously minded and decorated with various good qualities. He is a friend of Ravimitra[1].

Mahavasu Gopa desired to have a brave son and a beautiful daughter and therefore began a sacrifice with the help of the self-controlled priest Bhaguri.

A sacred nectarean eatable manifested from the sacrifice. Mahavasu became blissful and gave it to his wife Sucandra.

When Sucandra ate the sacrificial eatable, some of it fell on the courtyard because of her haste. A doe named Surangi, the mother of Rangini, was wandering around in Vraja. She saw the eatable, and quickly took it and ate it. Both the gopi Sucandra and the doe Surangi became pregnant by eating the sacrificial eatable.

At the appropriate time Sucandra gave birth to a son, who became known by the name Stoka-krishna, and the doe Surangi gave birth to a daughter, Hiranyangi, in the meadow.

Radharani and Hiranyangi are dearmost friends.

Hiranyangi wears clothes resembling blossoming aparajita flowers[2].

The liberal father of Hiranyangi gave her in marriage to an old cowherd man, Jaradgava, out of respect for the words of Garga Muni.

[1] Another name for Vrisabhanu Maharaja

[2] Western botany call the aparajita flower “clitoria ternatea” and has a beautiful blue-violet color


This is a section of the book “Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”, en English.

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