He Embraced Syamananda Again and Again

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In this way, after giving all their blessings to him, Srimati Radharani and Her Sakhis disappeared from the grove.

By the wish of Srimati Radharani, Syamananda then resumed his previous form as a male devotee and left the grove. By the touch of the Manjughosha anklet of Srimati Radharani’s foot, his iron scraper had become golden and Syamananda’s previous complexion had turned brightly golden. On his forehead was the syamamohana tilak in the form of Sri Radha’s foot, having a resplendent dot in the middle; on his chest was written Syamananda. Under his arm was a golden scraper; and on his head was the divine Deity of Syamasundara. Shedding tears, his heart overwhelmed with love, he thus arrived at Jiva Gosvami’s hut.

As soon as Sri Jiva saw him in such transcendental mood, he became astonished.

“What happened to you? I can see a glaring from your face. It’s as if something very extraordinary happened.”

Syamananda took Jiva Gosvami to a lonely place, and with his heart overwhelmed by emotions and in a choked voice, he narrated the whole confidential pastime.

Hearing the incident, Sri Jiva Gosvami, who was usually very sober, could not control himself. All of a sudden, he became mad with joy and started dancing like a boy, his heart full of transcendental loving emotions. He embraced Syamananda again and again very tightly and spoke the following words in a faltering voice,

“Today I have completely sold myself to you on account of your deep love. Srimati Radharani was so merciful unto you! Just by thinking about it I am feeling a thrill in my body. From now on you will be known among the Vaisnavas by the name given by Lalita Sakhi, Syamananda, and your new tilak will be known as Syamanandi Tilak. This divine Deity, the life and soul of Srimati Radharani, will be known by the name Syamasundara, and by giving His darsana He will deliver the souls afflicted by the Age of Kali.”

Syamasundara, the only Deity within the whole creation that was manifested from the lotus heart of Srimati Radharani, was received by Syamananda Prabhu on Vasanta Pancami[1] in 1578 AD, and was installed by him inside his underground bhajan kutir located in Seva Kunja in Vrindavan Dham.

Syamananda Prabhu then became fully absorbed in the loving service to Sri Syamasundara. In memory of such divine mercy given by Srimati Radharani, Jiva Gosvami established a marble altar on the holy spot where the anklet was found. When a bud blooms, its sweet fragrance reaches every nook and corner of the garden. It is not possible to confine its fragrance to one place or hide it. In the same way, Syamananda Prabhu’s nupur[2] tilaka with a shining dot in the middle, and the uncommonly beautiful Deity of Syamasundara, soon became known in every house in Vraja Mandala. So many Vaisnava came to see the wonderful Srimurti.


[1] Generally in the middle or end of January.

[2] Nupur means anklebells.


This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.

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