Cintaharana Ghata (Mahavana)

There is a famous Shiva-linga located at this ghata known as Chinteshwara Mahadeva, that is said to have been made from ten thousand smaller lingas all fused together.

There is also a temple commemorating the famous pastime at this ghata, where a deity of mother Yashoda can be seen holding baby Krishna in her arms.

It is said that Lord Shiva once came to Gokula desiring to have darshana of baby Krishna, but was refused and turned away by the elderly gopis.

This was due to his half naked and esoteric appearance, with his disheveled and matted locks, his garland of human skulls, snakes wrapped around his arms and neck, and covered from head to foot in ash.

Not wishing to disturb them, Lord Shiva came instead to this ghata and sat in meditation on Krishna’s pastimes.

After Krishna ate clay at Brahmanda Ghata, and mother Yashoda had seen the vision of the entire brahmanda or universe within Krishna’s mouth, she became perplexed, as well as anxious for the well-being of her unusual son.

She therefore took Krishna in her arms and came to this ghata, having heard that a tantric yogi was in meditation there, hoping that the tantric could cast a spell or chant some mantras to save her child from any further disturbances or unusual happenings.

Lord Shiva was very happy to be able to have darshana of baby Krishna and informed mother Yashoda that she should no longer be in anxiety regarding her son, as nothing bad was going to happen and the child would not be harmed.

Mother Yashoda felt great relief at the words of the tantric.

The word ‘chinta’ means ‘anxiety’ and the word ‘harana’ means ‘to remove’ or ‘take away’.

Therefore, at this celebrated ghata, mother Yashoda’s great anxiety about the welfare of her child was completely removed by the grace of Lord Shiva.



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  1. Govinda Dasa
    | Reply

    I’d never heard this pastime before! This is supremely sweet, thank you very much for sharing this.

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