Caitanya Mahaprabhu stopped at the holy city of Prayaga (Allahabad)

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On his return trip from Vrindavana, Caitanya Mahaprabhu stopped at the holy city of Prayaga (Allahabad). It was here that Rupa and Anupama met him for the second time. At the historic Dasasvamedha Ghat, Sri Caitanya imparted confidential instructions to Rupa Gosvami and explained in detail all the fundamental principles of the doctrine of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.


Rupa Gosvami was specifically commanded by Caitanya Mahaprabhu to carry out two tasks:

(1) to find and establish the lost ancient and original Deities of Lord Krishna as well as to re-discover and restore the holy places associated with His lila in Vrindavana, and

(2) to write and preach Gaudiya Vaishnava theology.

He then sent Rupa Gosvami to Vrindavana to carry out these tasks.


This is a section of the book “Radha Krishna Ganodesha Dipika”.

To buy the complete book, click above


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