A Jeweled Lamp in Aratrika

Śrī Krishna stretched a little before sitting up in bed. Seeing Rādhā listless from fatigue, Krishna lifted Her on His lap. He gazed upon Her sweet beauty with great longing while Rādhikā pretended to sleep. Acyuta smiled softly while drinking the nectar of Rādhā’s beautiful face, blooming like a morning lotus. Rādhikā’s eyes moved restlessly like a pair of khañjana birds[1]. The curling black hair surrounding Her forehead looked like a swarm of bees[2].

Mukunda’s heart filled with joy upon seeing Rādhā’s brilliant, pearly-white teeth as She yawned. Rādhā stretched Her body by clasping Her fingers together and raising Her lotus-stem arms above Her head[3].

Rādhā and Krishna both stretched Their limbs to ward off the lethargy of sleep. As They yawned, the splendor of Their teeth made it appear that each was offering a jeweled lamp in ārātrika to the other. Rādhā-Mādhava relished each other’s sweetness with the tongues of Their sleepy side-long glances[4].

[1] Wagtails

[2] Govinda-līlāmṛta 1.51-52

[3] Govinda-līlāmṛta 1.53

[4] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 1.40


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