ISVARA Newsletter EN
Madhurastakam, by Sri Vallabhacarya
Madhurastakam By Sri Vallabhacarya adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram hrdayam madhuram gamanam madhuram madhuradi pater akhilam madhuram His lips are sweet, His face is sweet. His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet. His heart is sweet, His walk is sweet. Everything is sweet about the Lord of sweetness. vacanam madhuram caritam madhuram vasanam …
Another significant adage to your developing bhajana, is to know what these Mantras mean. Here it is said “this servant”. Even though we are not at the level of pure devotional service yet, we should think that one day we will be. Just like one who is in school studying to be a doctor. Although he may not be …
¡Estos libros de Manonatha Dasa están disponibles en Puerto Rico en mi propia librería móvil!
Por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo para más detalles… Yamuna Devi Dasi, Puerto Rico
Please Forgive Me and Let Me Sleep a Little Longer
The roosters, partridges and other birds continued their loud clamoring. Rādhā woke up, stretched Her limbs and said, “O birds, please forgive Me and let Me sleep a little longer.” The geese, ducks, swans, cranes and other water birds joined the doves, parrots, peacocks, cuckoos and other land birds in a sweet harmony of warbling as attractive as the …
Dhritarastra's Message The Brahmana who had been sent by Drupada as an ambassador returned from Hastinapura without any positive results. Duryodhana had been very arrogant and threatening in his responses and therefore the last chances of avoiding the war were gradually fading. Meanwhile Bhishma, in conversation with Dhritarastra, had made him understand that in an armed confrontation his children would …
Vijitashva became the emperor of the world, and he appointed his four younger brothers as governors of the different directions. At the time when Indra had invisibly stolen King Prithu’s sacrificial horse, Vijitashva had seen this but had refrained from attacking him out of respect for such a great personality. Indra very much appreciated this, and so he gave him …
The favorable circumstances for bhakti are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
The favorable circumstances for bhakti are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.9.36): etavad eva jijnasyam tattva-jijnasunatmanah anvaya-vyatirekabhyam yat syat sarvatra sarvada He who seeks to know the Absolute Truth, the Divine and Supreme Person, must on every occasion, in every time and in every place, directly or indirectly, ask questions about the Absolute Truth. There are two ways to free oneself from …