
ISVARA Newsletter EN

Lokanatha Gosvami

Lokanatha Gosvami was a personal associate of Lord Chaitanya, who ordered him and Bhugarbha Gosvami to find the lost holy places of Vrindavana. Years later, the six Gosvamis came to Vrindavana and continued the researches. Lokanatha Gosvami constructed the Radha-Gokulananda temple in Vrindavana. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura was his only disciple. Go get all the documents available on this important personality. …
Lokanatha Gosvami

From Sri Guru-parampara

From Sri Guru-parampara
“The other two main disciples of Madhva were Nrihari Tirtha and Madhava Tirtha. Madhava Tirtha accepted the great paramahamsa Aksobhya Tirtha as a disciple. The principal student of Aksobhya Tirtha was known as Jayatirtha, serving whom was the main purpose of Jnanasindhu’s life. (From Sri Guru-parampara, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada writes: “Padmanabha Acarya is the disciple of …

Iskcon San Antonio (TX): weekly videoconference dedicated to Bhagavad-gita studies

Join us on Thursday evening, on Zoom with His Grace Manonatha Dasa. Topic: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Time: Jun 24, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting (password to be requested) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85983521535?pwd=aDExbmJkOE9XSkZNbFlCS2V3azRGZz09
Iskcon San Antonio (TX): weekly videoconference dedicated to Bhagavad-gita studies

Vajranabha and the Deities of Dirgha Visnu and Gokulesa

Vajranabha and the Deities of Dirgha Visnu and Gokulesa
Question Namaskaram   I have a question about what you wrote (here: https://www.isvara.org/archive/deities-carved-by-vajranabha/).   My question is, I do not find mention of some of the deities stated below (source: https://twitter.com/swamindradyumna/status/1113884788136534017):   tataḥ sa mathurāyāṁ ca dīrgha-viṣṇuṁ ca keśavam | vṛndāvane ca govindaṁ hari-devaṁ girīśvare || gokule gokuleśaṁ ca gokulādyojane balam | sthāpayāmāsa vajrastu hareśca pratimāśca ṣaṭ ||   Translation: …

Sivananda Sena

Shivananda Sena’s son, Paramananda Sena, also known as Kavi Karnapura, wrote this verse in his Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika. Just as Vira Duti acted to enrich the pastimes of Krishna and the gopis, Shivananda Sena appeared to enrich Gaura Hari’s lila. Shivananda Sena’s home was in the present day city of Halisahar, in Kumarahatta near Kanchariaparia. This is the same town in which …
Sivananda Sena

Narasimha story

Narasimha story
Nrisimha Pranama (1) namas te narasiḿhāya prahlādāhlāda-dāyine hiraṇyakaśipor vakṣah- śilā-ṭańka-nakhālaye I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and whose nails are like chisels on the stone like chest of the demon Hiranyakasipu. (2) ito nṛsiḿhaḥ parato nṛsiḿho yato yato yāmi tato nṛsiḿhaḥ bahir nṛsiḿho hṛdaye nṛsiḿho nṛsiḿham ādiḿ śaraṇaḿ prapadye Lord Nrsimha is here …

The Marriage of Syamananda Prabhu

On seeing Duhkhi Krishna Dasa after such a long time, his parents and relatives felt extremely happy. In order to bind his son to the home, his father said, “Duhkhi, we all want you to get married.” He replied: “But father, I do not want to get married. Marriage conditions one to material life and I do not have any …
The Marriage of Syamananda Prabhu
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