Symptoms of a Sadhu householder
Due to his service, You taught Raghunatha Dasa the essence of how to be a householder and a sadhu at the same time.
Remain peaceful[1]! Go home! Don’t become a vatula[2]! In the end, a person can cross the shores of the ocean of birth and death.
Give up markata-vairagya[3] which you do to show off to the public. For now, you should accept whatever material things are appropriate, but without attachment.
Deep within yourself remain focused, but outwardly behave like an ordinary man. Very soon Sri Krishna will save you.
The qualities of the Sadhu who has renounced family life
Grha-tyagi sadhu-laksana
Later, when you saw that he had accepted renunciation[4], you gave him these instructions which are wonderful to hear:
Do not listen to mundane conversations and do not utter such words. Don’t eat luxuriously and don’t dress well. Don’t expect any honor but offer all respect to others. Always chant Krishna-nama, and in your mind do service to Radha-Krishna in Vraja.
The only quality shared by both the head of the family and the renouncer
Grhi o grha-tyagira ubhayera-i svarupa laksana
The differences of asrama and anything else are tatastha.
If I see someone who has completely surrendered to Krishna behaving badly, I will continue to say: He is a sadhu, and everyone should give him service[5].
This is the statement of Sri Krishna in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavata. Therefore, I will always try to constantly worship such a devotee.
This siddhanta[6] is particularly confidential. Tell me, is there an end to such mercy?
[1] Here is Haridasa repeating the words that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami.
[2] A type of sadhu who seems like a crazy vagrant.
[3] The renunciation of a monkey.
[4] Haridas continues to describe the incident between Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami.
[5] Taking shelter of Krishna and no one else is the svarupa-laksana of bhakti. Anyone who is at this level definitely has tatastha-laksana as well. But if one takes refuge in Krishna, the tatastha-laksanas manifest in him only partially, and not completely. Therefore, some bad conduct may manifest itself and this does not mean that one is no longer a sadhu.
[6] Correct conclusion.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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