Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.19.28

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ŚB 1.19.28

श्यामं सदापीव्यवयोऽङ्गलक्ष्म्या
स्त्रीणां मनोज्ञं रुचिरस्मितेन ।
प्रत्युत्थितास्ते मुनय: स्वासनेभ्य-
स्तल्लक्षणज्ञा अपि गूढवर्चसम् ॥ २८ ॥
śyāmaṁ sadāpīvya-vayo-’ṅga-lakṣmyā
strīṇāṁ mano-jñaṁ rucira-smitena
pratyutthitās te munayaḥ svāsanebhyas
tal-lakṣaṇa-jñā api gūḍha-varcasam


śyāmam — blackish; sadā — always; apīvya — excessively; vayaḥ — age; aṅga — symptoms; lakṣmyā — by the opulence of; strīṇām — of the fair sex; manaḥjñam — attractive; rucira — beautiful; smitena — smiling; pratyutthitāḥ — stood up; te — all of them; munayaḥ — the great sages; sva — own; āsanebhyaḥ — from the seats; tat — those; lakṣaṇajñāḥ — expert in the art of physiognomy; api — even; gūḍhavarcasam — covered glories.


He was blackish and very beautiful due to his youth. Because of the glamor of his body and his attractive smiles, he was pleasing to women. Though he tried to cover his natural glories, the great sages present there were all expert in the art of physiognomy, and so they honored him by rising from their seats.

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