Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.14.27

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ŚB 1.14.27

सप्त स्वसारस्तत्पत्न्यो मातुलान्य: सहात्मजा: ।
आसते सस्‍नुषा: क्षेमं देवकीप्रमुखा: स्वयम् ॥ २७ ॥
sapta sva-sāras tat-patnyo
mātulānyaḥ sahātmajāḥ
āsate sasnuṣāḥ kṣemaṁ
devakī-pramukhāḥ svayam


sapta — seven; svasāraḥ — own sisters; tatpatnyaḥ — his wives; mātulānyaḥ — maternal aunts; saha — along with; ātmajāḥ — sons and grandsons; āsate — are all; sasnuṣāḥ — with their daughters-in-law; kṣemam — happiness; devakī — Devakī; pramukhāḥ — headed by; svayam — personally.


His seven wives, headed by Devakī, are all sisters. Are they and their sons and daughters-in-law all happy?

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