nama, meaning

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nāma नाम ind. A particle used in the following senses:-1 Named, called, by name; हिमालयो नाम नगाधिराजः Ku. 1.1; तन्नन्दिनीं सुवृत्तां नाम Dk.7. -2 Indeed, certainly, truly, forsooth, verily, to be sure; मया नाम जितम् V.2. 17.; विनीतवेषेण प्रवेष्टव्यानि तपोवनानि नाम Ś.1; आश्वासितस्य मम नाम V.5.16 ‘when I was just consoled’; तन्नाम निष्ठुराः पुरुषाः Mk.5.32 ‘that means men are cruel’. -3 Probably, perhaps; oft. with मा’ अये पदशब्द इव मा नाम रक्षिणः Mk.3 ‘herhaps (but I hope not) that of guards’; मा नाम अकार्यं कुर्यात् Mk.4. -4 possibility; तवैव नामास्त्रगतिः Ku.3.19; त्वया नाम मुनिर्विमान्यः Ś.5.2 ‘is it possible &c.’ (implying censure); frequently used with अपि in the sense of ‘I wish’, ‘would that’, ‘is it likely that &c.’; see under अपि -5 A feigned or pretended action, pretence (अलीक); कार्न्तान्तिको नाम भूत्वा Dk.13; so भीतो नामावप्लुत्य 14 ‘as if afraid’, परिश्रमं नाम विनीय च क्षणम् Ku.5.32. -6 (With imperatives) Granted, though, it may be, well, it may be; तद् भवतु नाम शोकावेगाय K.328; अतनुषु विभवेषु ज्ञातयः सन्तु नाम &Sacute.5.8; Bh.1.16; एवं नामास्तु ‘be it so, if you like’; करोतु नाम नीतिज्ञो व्यवसायमितस्ततः H.2.14 ‘though he may exert himself’; Māl.1.7. -7 Anger or censure; ममापि नाम दशाननस्य परैः परिभवः G. M.; (the sentence may imply ‘censure’ also किं नाम विस्फुरन्ति शस्त्राणि U.4; ममापि नाम सत्त्वैरभिभूयन्ते गृहाः Ś.6. -8 Wonder; आश्चर्यमन्धो नाम पुत्रं द्रक्ष्यति Sk. -9 Recollection. नाम is often used with the interrogative pronoun and its derivatives कथम्, कदा &c. in the sense of ‘possibly’, ‘indeed’, ‘I should like to know’; अयि कथं नामैतत् U.6; R.16.82; Bh.2.44; H.1.14; को नाम राज्ञां प्रियः Pt.1.146; को नाम पाकाभिमुखस्य जन्तुर्द्वाराणि दैवस्य पिधातुमीष्टे U.7.4.

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