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#Ghritaci was an exceptionally beautiful apsara woman, and she revelled in disturbing the peace of the sages and becoming mother of children by them. Ghrtaci, who succeeded in breaking the penance of the sages like Kusanabha, Vyasa and Bharadvaja occupied a very prominent position among #apsara women.


2) Suka, the son of Vyasa. Vyasa longed very much to have a son. Ultimately, after receiving instruction and advice from Narada, he reached the peaks of Mahameru and worshipped Mahadeva and Mahadevi for one year with the one-syllabled mantra OM which is the very seed of word. By now the great tejas (effulgence) of Vyasa lighted up the whole world and Indra got nervous and upset. The great Lord Siva appeared on the scene and blessed Vyasa that he will have a son who would become a very wise man, very much interested in helping others, and very famous also. Vyasa returned gratified to his asrama.
One day, while in the process of preparing the sticks for producing fire, thoughts about a son passed through his mind. Fire is produced by the rubbing of two stacks. But, he thought, how could he who had no wife, become the father of a son ? While immersed in such thoughts he saw Ghrtaci standing near him, herself having come along the sky. Vyasa did not like the presence of Ghrtaci. Fearing the curse of Vydsa she assumed the form of a parrot and flew away.

The beauty of Ghrtaci as also the flight of the parrot kindled erotic feelings in Vydsa and seminal emission occurred. The semen fell on the stick used for producing fire, and without knowing the fact he went on using the sticks for producing fire. And, then did appear from it a son of divine lustre. That son became reputed in later years as sage Suka.
(Devi Bhagavata, Prathama Skandha).


3) Two children by Bharadaaja. Once sage Bharadvaja was taking his bath in the Ganges, Ghrtaci also came to bathe. On the banks of the river her clothes caught something and were removed from their position. The sight of it caused seminal emission to the Sage. The semen thus emitted was kept in a Drona, (bamboo cup) and when it was due the Drona broke and out of it came a child. It was this child which, in later years, became so very famous as the great Dronacarya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 149) .
On another occasion also, the sight of Ghrtaci caused emission in Bharadvaja, and Srutavati or Sruvavati was the noble daughter born out of it. (Salya Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 63) .

Hundred daughters of Kusandbha. Kusanabha, son of Ku- a was a saintly king. Once Kusanabha fell in love with Ghrtaci and a hundred daughters were born to him of her. Once Wind-God felt enamoured of the hundred girls, but they refused to satisfy his desire. So he cursed them to become crooked or bent down in body. Later on, Brahmadatta, son of the sage Culi, straightened their bodies and married them. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Canto 32) .

5) ,Birth of Ruru. On another occasion Ghrtaci attracted and subjugated a King called Pramati. Ruru was the son born to Pramati by Ghrtaci.

6) Other information. (1) Once Ghrtaci pleased Sage Astavakra, who introduced her into Kuberars assembly. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 19, Verse 44) .

(2) Ghrtaci danced at the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 65) .

(3) A daughter cal1ed Citrangada was born to Visvakarman by Ghrtaci. (See under Visvakarma).

(4) A daughter called Devavati was born to Ghrtaci. (See under Devavati).

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