Gaura Arati

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Song Name: Jaya Jaya Goracander Arotik
Official Name: Arati Kirtana Song 2 (Gaura Arotik)
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali
Language: Bengali

(kiba) jaya jaya gorācāńder āratiko śobhā
jāhnavī-taṭa-vane jaga-mana-lobhā

(Refrain 1)
(gaurāńger ārotik śobhā jaga-janer-mana-lobhā)

dakhiṇe nitāicāńd, bāme gadādhara
nikaṭe advaita, śrīnivāsa chatra-dhara

bosiyāche gorācāńd ratna-siḿhāsane
ārati koren brahmā-ādi deva-gaṇe

narahari-ādi kori’ cāmara dhulāya
sañjaya-mukunda-bāsu-ghoṣ-ādi gāya

śańkha bāje ghaṇṭā bāje bāje karatāla
madhura mṛdańga bāje parama rasāla

(Refrain 2)
(śankha bāje ghaṇṭā bāje madhur madhur madhur bāje)

bahu-koṭi candra jini’ vadana ujjvala
gala-deśe bana-mālā kore jhalamala

śiva-śuka-nārada preme gada-gada
bhakativinoda dekhe gorāra sampada

WORD FOR WORD TRANSLATION: Jaya Jaya Goracander Arotika Sobha

1) All glories, all glories to the beautiful arati ceremony of Lord Caitanya. This Gaura-arati is taking place in a grove on the banks of the Jahnavi (Ganges) and is attracting the minds of all living entities in the universe.

(Refrain 1): The splendor of Lord Gauranga’s (Caitanya) arati attracts the minds of all living entities of the universe!

2) On Lord Caitanya’s right side is Lord Nityananda and on His left is Sri Gadadhara. Nearby stands Sri Advaita, and Srivasa Thakura is holding an umbrella over Lord Caitanya’s head.

3) Lord Caitanya has sat down on a jeweled throne, and the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, perform the arati ceremony

4) Narahari Sarakara and other associates of Lord Caitanya fan Him with camaras, and devotees headed by Sanjaya Pandita, Mukunda Datta, and Vasu Ghosa sing sweet kirtana.

5) Conchshells, bells, and karatalas resound, and the mrdangas play very sweetly. This kirtana music is supremely sweet and relish able to hear.

(Refrain 2): Conchsells resound! bell resound! Sweetness, sweetness, and sweetness resounds!

6) The brilliance of Lord Caitanya’s face conquers millions upon millions of moons, and the garland of forest flowers around His neck shines.

7) Lord Siva, Sukadeva Gosvami, and Narada Muni are all there, and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Thakura Bhaktivinoda envisions the glory of Lord Sri Caitanya.

There are other alankaras that are sung in the Gaura Arati, albeit less frequently. They are

(Between Verses 2 and 3)
(gaurāńger āroti kore)
(brahmā ādi-deva gaṇe gaurāńger āroti kore)
(gaur kṛpa pābo bole gaurāńger āroti kore)
(gaur kṛpa pābo bole gaurāńger āroti kore)
(nitāi gaura hari bol)

“The arati of Lord Gauranga is performed by Lord Brahma and the demigods. I will attain the mercy of Lord Caitanya by doing the arati of Lord Caitanya.”

(Sung with Refrain 2)
(gourāńger āroti kāle madhur madhur madhur bāje)
(gourāńger āroti kāle madhur madhur madhur bāje)
(madhura mṛdańga bāje madhur madhur madhur bāje)

“Sweetness, sweetness, and sweetness resounds during the time of Gauranga’s arati! Sweetness, sweetness, and sweetness resounds as the sweet mridanga resounds!”

(Between Verses 6 and 7):
(mālā) (jhalmol jhalmol jhalmol kore)
(gour gole bono phuler mālā jhalmol jhalmol jhalmol kore)
(gour gole bono phuler mālā jhalmol jhalmol jhalmol kore)
(nitāi goura hari bol)

“The garland, shines, shines, and shines! The garland of forest-flowers around Lord Caitanya’s neck shines, shines, and shines!”

(At the end of the arati)
(bhaja gour preme gada gadare śiva-śuka-nārada preme gada-gada)
(bhaja gour preme gada gadare śiva-śuka-nārada preme gada-gada)
(ṭhākur) bhakativinoda dekhe gorāra sampada

“Worship Lord Caitanya, with throats choked in love! Lord Siva’s, Sukadeva Goswami’s, and Narada Muni’s throats are choked with love! Bhaktivinoda Thakura sees Lord Caitanya’s glories!”

(ei bār āmāy doya koro)
(ṭhākura śrī bhaktivinod ei bar āmāy doyā koro)
(ṭhākura śrī sarasvatī ei bar āmāy doyā koro)
(patit-pāvan śrī gurudev ei bar āmāy doyā koro)
(sapārṣada gaur hari ei bar āmāy doyā koro)
(nitāi goura hari bol)

“Please be merciful upon me, this time. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, please be merciful upon me. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, please be merciful upon me. Oh redeemer of fallen souls, Oh spiritual master, please be merciful upon me. Oh associates of Sri Gauranga, please be merciful upon me! Speak the names of Nitai Gaurahari!”

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