Gadadhara Dasa

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Sri Gadadhara dasa Thakura used to live in Nabadwipa dhama, but after the disappearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he moved to Katwa. Finally he moved to a village called Endiyadaha-grama, where he made his ultimate residence. Gadadhara dasa Thakura had a disciple in Katwa named Yadunandana Cakravarti. Gadadhara dasa was one of the eternal associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. The Gaura-ganodesa-dipika mentions Gadadhara dasa as the extension of Srimati Radharani’s beauty and luster. There it is written: ìThe gopi named Candrakanti, who was a vibhuti (expansion) of Sri Radha, appeared in Gaura-lila as Gadadhara dasa, a close associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.î Sri Gadadhara dasa was not one of the Gopalas who served Nityananda Prabhu in the mood of sakhya-rasa, friendship. Rather he was always merged in the mellow of madhurya-rasa.
Sripad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja writes as follows of Gadadhara dasa in his Caitanya-Caritamrta commentary: ìAbout eight or ten miles from Calcutta on the banks of the Ganges is a village known as Endiyadaha-grama. Srila Gadadhara dasa was known as an inhabitant of this village…After the disappearance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu Gadadhara dasa came from Nabadipa to Katwa. Thereafter he came to Endiyadaha-grama and resided there. He is stated to be the luster of the body of Srimati RadharanY, just as Srila Gadadhara Pandita is an incarnation of Srimati Radharani justa as Srila Gadadhara Pandita is an incarnation of Srimati Radharani Herself. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is sometimes explained to be radha-bhava-dyuti-suvalita, or characterized by the emotions and bodily luster of Srimati Radharani. Gadadhara dasa is this dyuti or luster. He counts among the associates of both Srila Gaurahari and Nityananda Prabhu….Even though he was an associate of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, he was not among the cowherd boys but was situated in the transcendental mellow of conjugal love. He established a temple of Sri Gaurasundara in Katwa.

ìIn 1434 sakabda (1534 A.D.) when Lord Nityananda Prabhu was empowered by Lord Caitanya to preach the sankirtana movement in Bengal, Sri Gadadhara dasa was one of Lord Nityananda’s chief assistans. He preached the sankirtana movement by requesting everyone to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra….When Srila Gadadhara dasa was preaching the cult of hari-kirtana, there was a magistrate who was very much against his sankirtana movement. Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Gadhadhara dasa one night went to the house of the Kazi and requested him to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. The Kazi replied, ìAll right, I shall chant Hare Krsna tomorrow.î On hearing this, Srila Gadadhara dasa Prabhu began to dance, and he said, ìWhy tomorrow? You have already chanted the Hare Krsna mantra, so simply continue.î

ì…Srila #Gadadhara dasa is considered to be a united form of Candrakanti, who is hte effulgence of Srimati Radharani, and Purnananda, who is an expansion of Lord Balarama’s dear girlfriend. Thus Srila Gadadhara dasa was one of the associates of both Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. Once while Srila Gadadhara dasa Prabhu was returning to Bengal from Jagannatha Puri with Nityananda Prabhu, he forgot himself and began talking very loudly as if he were a girl of Vrajabhumi selling yogurt, and Srila Nityananda Prabhu noted this. Another time, while absorbed int he ecstasy of the gopis, he carried a jug filled with Ganges water on his head as if he were selling milk. When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in the house of Raghava Pandita while going to Vrndavana, Gadadhara dasa went to see Him, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was so glad that He put His foot on his head. When Gadadhara dasa Prabhu was present in Endiyadaha he established a Balagopala murti for worship there. Sri Madhava Ghosh performed a drama known as Dana-khanda with the help of Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Gadadhara dasa.

ìThe tomb of Gadadhara dasa Prabhu, which is in the village of Endiyadaha, was under the control of the Samyogi Vaisnavas and later under the direction of Siddha Bhagavan dasa Babaji of Kalna. Byhis order, Sri Madhus®dana Mullik, one of hte members of the aristocratice Mullik family of the Narikeladanga in Calcutta, established a patavadi (monastery) there in the Bengali year 1256. He also arranged for the worship of a Deity named Sri Radhakanta. His son, Balaicanda Mullik, established Gaura-Nitai Deities there in the Bengali year 1312. Thus on the throne of the temple are both Gaura-Nityananda Deities and Radha-Krsna Deities.î

When Caitanya Mahaprabhu sent Nityananda Prabhu to Bengal to preach the nectar of the holy name, he sent Sri Rama dasa and Sri Gadadhara dasa with him. Once when he was carrying a waterpot on his head, Gadadhara dasa, in the mood of a gopi called out ìWho will buy milk? Who will buy yogurt?î Saying this, he laughed at the joke.
The details of how Gadadhara dasa delivered the Kazi are as follows: One day, Gadadhara dasa went to the house of the Kazi, overwhelmed with krsna-prema, madly dancing and performing hari-sankirtana. When he arrived at the Kazi’s door, he began loudly calling for the Kazi. The Kazi, enraged, went outside his house ready to chastise Gadadhara dasa for disturbing the peace. But when he beheld the beautiful form of Gadadhara dasa, who was the personification of Sri Radhika’s divine luster, he was stunned. When Gadadhara dasa embraced the Kazi with great affection the Kazi said, ìThakura! Why have you come?î

Gadadhara dasa said, ìI want to have a talk with you.
ìWhat do you wish to talk about?î

ìGaura-Nityananda have appeared upon this earth to deliver humankind with divine love by distributing the sweet nectar of the holy name of Hari. Why don’t you chant this sweet name of Hari?î
ìTomorrow I shall chant the name Hari.î

ìWhy chant the holy name tomorrow? I have come to deliver you with the holy name of Krsna. Now you have begun your life of auspiciousness by vibrating the holy name of Hari. From today on all your sins and miseries will disappear by the grace of the holy name if you simply continue this chantingóthis is why I have come: to deliver you.î
Hearing the words of Gadadhara dasa, the Kazi was bewildered. At length, he smiled and again said, ìTomorrow I will chant the holy name of Hari.î Upon hearing the holy name of Hari issuing from the mouth of the Muslim Kazi, Gadadhara dasa at once became mad in the ecstasy of Krsna prema. At last he said, ìWhy tomorrow! Just now you have said the name ëHari.í All your sins will now melt away and you will become supremely purified by the power of the holy name.î

Purified by the grace of Gadadhara dasa and the holy name of Krsna, the Kazi took shelter of the holy feet of Gadadhara dasa.

In this way, Gadadhara dasa delivered countless sinners, nonbelievers, and yavanas with the holy name of Krsna. He disappeared on the eight day of the full moon in the month of Kartika. All glories to Sri Gadadhara dasa Thakura Prabhu.

Sri Gadadhara dasa Thakura previously lived at Navadwip. When the Lord went
to live at Nilacala Sri Dasa Gadadhara also there to be with Him. Later on
Mahaprabhu sent him back with Nityananda Prabhu to preach in Bengal. He
first stayed at Eriyadahagram, which is situated on the banks of the
Ganges. Then he spent some time in Navadwipa, taking care of Saci Mata and
Visnupriya, but after their disappearance he came to live at Katwa, where
Mahaprabhu had accepted sannyasa from Kesava Bharati.
He was a very confidential associate of Sri Sri Gaura-Nityananda. In Gaura-
ganoddesa-dipika it is stated that he is an incarnation of the effulgence
of Srimati Radharani’s body, as well as an expansion of Purnananda gopi.
Though he was one of the associates of Nityananda Prabhu, the majority of
whom were cowherd boys and thus situated in the mellow of friendship, he
was always absorbed in the mood of a gopi.
Once, as he was carrying a pot of Ganges water on his head, he called
loudly, “Who wants to buy some milk?” Sometimes he would say, “Here is some
first class yogurt. Whoever wants to buy some, come here.” Calling out like
this, he would then laugh very loudly.
When Mahaprabhu instructed Nityananda Prabhu to preach in Bengal, He sent
Sri Rama dasa and Sri Gadadhara dasa along with Him. [C.C. Adi 11.13,14] One day Nityananda Prabhu came to Dasa Gadadhar’s temple at Eriyadahagram.
In the temple was a very beautiful Deity of Sri Bala Gopala, which
Nityananda Prabhu carefully picked up from the altar. While holding Him
against His chest, He began to dance in ecstasy. When all of the devotees
saw that Gopala had taken shelter of the heart of Sri Anantadeva, they made
the heavens resound with the vibrations of “Hari! Hari!” Nityananda Prabhu,
who was very robust and heroic, then began to roar very loudly while
engaging in His ecstatic dance with Gopalaji.
Then Madhavananda Ghosa began to sing some songs describing Krsna’s dan-
lila (from Dan-keli-Kaumadi). Hearing his sweet voice and the poetic
descriptions of Krsna’s dan-lila, Nityananda exhibited all of the ecstatic
symptoms within His body simultanously as He danced like one intoxicated.
The gestures He exhibited while dancing were like slashes of lightning; His
limbs moved with unparalleled grace. His expressive eye movements, His
sweet smiling and eruptive laughter, and the shivering and quaking of His
head, provided a feast for the devotees’ eyes and ears. Bringing His two
beautiful lotus feet together, He would then jump in such a way as to
completely captivate ones mind. Whomever He would look at would find
themselves floating in an ocean of the mellows of love of Krsna, and by His
merciful glance they forgot about the existence of their physical body. The
level of devotion that is sought by great yogis and munis was attained
that day by the ordinary men and women of that place, as they relished the
remnants of Lord Nityananda’s love for Krsna.
Someone as fat as an elephant becomes so thin and weak if he fasts for
three days that he can barely walk. However, by the mercy of Nityananda
Prabhu, one small child of that village didn’t eat anything for one month,
yet his movements and behavior were like those of a lion. Such was the
mysterious influence of Nityananda Prabhu, though no one could understand
His activities due to the Lord’s yogamaya potency. Nityananda Prabhu thus
enjoyed various pastimes at the temple of Gadadhar dasa Thakura.
In Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura has described the
glories of Dasa Gadadhara in this way: “Nityananda Prabhu was personally
present within the body of Sri Gadadhara das; such are his glories.”
Amongst Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates, no one wanted to go near the
Mohammedan Kazi for fear that he might lose his caste. Simply by looking at
the face of a Mohammedan, a Hindu would lose his name in society. It was
Dasa Gadadhara who had the power to influence the notorious Kazi, and so he
bestowed his merciful glance upon him. Even at their first meeting, he was
able to lift that Kazi beyond the limits of his caste and creed, and thus
those limitations completely fell away.
One day Sri Gadadhara dasa Thakura, intoxicated in ecstatic love while
chanting the Holy Names of Hari, came to the house of the Kazi at
Eriyadahagram and began to call him. The Kazi, in a fit of anger, came
storming out of his internal apartment, but upon seeing the
transcendentally serene appearance and mood of Dasa Gadadhara Prabhu, he
became stunned. His anger softened and his expression became friendly. The
Kazi inquired, “Thakur, why have you come just now?”
Dasa Gadadhara Thakura answered, “I should like to have a few words with
“Yes, whatever you have to say, just speak up.”
“Sri Sri Gaura-Nityananda have appeared on this earth to distribute the
nectar of the Holy Names to all classes of men, from the highest to the
lowest, even to the most sinful, despicable persons. Why haven’t you
accepted this sweet treat? Why haven’t you taken up the chanting of these
nectarean Holy Names?”
“We’ll accept it tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?! Today you should accept. I have come here today to deliver
you from the depths of ignorance and sin by the power of these Holy Names.
So you please take this supremely auspicious Harinama. I will deliver you
from all your sinful activities this very day.”
Having listened to Gadahara dasa Thakura’s sweet speech, the Kazi
became a little bewildered. He began to laugh and said, “Tomorrow I’ll say
When he heard the two syllables ‘ha’ and ‘ri’ emanate from the Kazi’s
mouth, Dasa Gadadhara Thakura became overwhelmed in the happiness of
ecstatic love and exclaimed, “Tomorrow?! Sir, you said Hari just now! All
of your sins have fled far away. You have become supremely pure.” Saying
this he began to dance in ecstasy.
The Kazi, having been purified by the transcendental vibration of Hari,
took shelter at das Gadadhara Thakura’s lotus feet. In this way, das
Gadadhara Thakura delivered many sinful, wicked yavanas and other such
He disappeared on the eighth day of the bright fortnight in the month of
Eriyadaha gram is reached from Calcutta by bus from Esplanade. Gadadhara
dasa Thakura’s samadhi-mandir and the samadhi of the hair of Lord Caitanya
shaved off by the barber Madhi Sil when He accepted sannyasa are united
within the same tomb at Kesava Bharati’s ashrama at Katwa.
Sri Dasa Gadadhara Thakura established a temple at the place where
Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa, and the Deity of Lord Gauranga was personally
installed by him. This deity is one of three Deities which were carved from
one Nimba tree as per the order of Sriman Mahaprabhu, which he communicated
to Narahari Sarkar Thakura and the bhakar (deity-maker) on the same night
through the medium of their dreams. The next day, when the two met and
learned that they had both had the same dream, they could understand that
they should carry out the Lord’s instruction immediately. The other two
Deities are at Sri Khanda. There is also a Deity of Balarama (Nityananda)
who is about half the size of Mahaprabhu and who came later on. Thus the
Deities here are known as Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga.
There is a local anecdote concerning this Deity of Balarama. He is said to
have once been worshiped by Mineketana Rama dasa, who used to carry this
Deity of Balarama with him wherever he went. Mineketana Rama’s body was
very strongly built, so he would carry Balarama upon a simhasana mounted on
his back. The simhasana itself weighed perhaps twenty kilos. When he became
somewhat advanced in years and it was difficult to carry the simhasana, he
entrusted the worship of his Balarama to the pujari of Lord Gauranga here.
There is another story that claims that as Mineketana was a non-Bengali,
his native tongue was a non-Bengali dialect. In his language, the word for
hair was awa. Thus the name of the place where Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa
became Katwa, literally meaning ‘cutting hair’ or ‘the place where Prabhu’s
head was shorn of its beautiful locks.’ The previous name of this place was
Kantak Nagar, supposedly given by Saci Mata. Kantak means thorn. The
disciple of Dasa Gadadhara was Yadunandana Cakravarti. The present sevakas
of this temple are his descendents. This is a very nice temple where many
of the local people attend the arati ceremonies and classes on the
devotional scriptures. There is a railway station at Katwa. From there one
should go by ricksaw to Gauranga Bari.
Sri Gadadhara dasa Thakura previously lived at Navadwip. When the Lord went to
live at Nilacala Sri Dasa Gadadhara also went there to be with Him. Later on
Mahaprabhu sent him back with Nityananda Prabhu to preach in Bengal. He first
stayed at Eriyadahagram, which is situated on the banks of the Ganges. Then he
spent some time in Navadwipa, taking care of Saci Mata and Visnupriya, but
after their disappearance he came to live at Katwa, where Mahaprabhu had
accepted sannyasa from Kesava Bharati.
He was a very confidential associate of Sri Sri Gaura-Nityananda. In
Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika it is stated that he is an incarnation of the
effulgence of Srimati Radharani’s body, as well as an expansion of Purnananda
gopi. Though he was one of the associates of Nityananda Prabhu, the majority
of whom were cowherd boys and thus situated in the mellow of friendship, he
was always absorbed in the mood of a gopi.
Once, as he was carrying a pot of Ganges water on his head, he called loudly,
“Who wants to buy some milk?” Sometimes he would say, “Here is some first
class yogurt. Whoever wants to buy some, come here.” Calling out like this, he
would then laugh very loudly.
When Mahaprabhu instructed Nityananda Prabhu to preach in Bengal, He sent Sri
Rama dasa and Sri Gadadhara dasa along with Him. [C.C. Adi 11.13,14] One day Nityananda Prabhu came to Dasa Gadadhar’s temple at Eriyadahagram. In
the temple was a very beautiful Deity of Sri Bala Gopala, which Nityananda
Prabhu carefulle picked up from the altar. While holding Him against His
chest, He began to dance in ecstasy. When all of the devotees saw that Gopala
had taken shelter of the heart of Sri Anantadeva, they made the heavens
resound with the vibrations of “Hari! Hari!” Nityananda Prabhu, who was very
robust and heroic, then began to roar very loudly while engaging in His
ecstatic dance with Gopalaji.
Then Madhavananda Ghosa began to sing some songs describing Krsna’s dana-lila
(from Dana-keli-kaumudi). Hearing his sweet voice and the poetic descriptions
of Krsna’s dana-lila, Nityananda exhibited all of the ecstatic symptoms within
His body simultanously as He danced like one intoxicated. The gestures He
exhibited while dancing were like slashes of lightning; His limbs moved with
unparalleled grace. His expressive eye movements, His sweet smiling and
eruptive laughter, and the shivering and quaking of His head, provided a feast
for the devotees’ eyes and ears. Bringing His two beautiful lotus feet
together, He would then jump in such a way as to completely captivate ones
mind. Whomever He would look at would find themselves floating in an ocean of
the mellows of love of Krsna, and by His merciful glance they forgot about the
existence of their physical body. The level of devotion that is sought by
great yogis and munis was attained that day by the ordinary men and women of
that place, as they relished the remnants of Lord Nityananda’s love for Krsna.
Someone as fat as an elephant becomes so thin and weak if he fasts for three
days that he can barely walk. However, by the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, one
small child of that village didn’t eat anything for one month, yet his
movements and behavior were like those of a lion. Such was the mysterious
influence of Nityananda Prabhu, though no one could understand His activities
due to the Lord’s yogamaya potency. Nityananda Prabhu thus enjoyed various
pastimes at the temple of Gadadhar dasa Thakura.
In Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura has described the
glories of Dasa Gadadhara in this way: “Nityananda Prabhu was personally
present within the body of Sri Gadadhara das; such are his glories.”
Amongst Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates, no one wanted to go near the
Mohammedan Kazi for fear that he might lose his caste. Simply by looking at
the face of a Mohammedan, a Hindu would lose his name in society. It was Dasa
Gadadhara who had the power to influence the notorious Kazi, and so he
bestowed his merciful glance upon him. Even at their first meeting, he was
able to lift that Kazi beyond the limits of his caste and creed, and thus
those limitations completely fell away.
One day Sri Gadadhara dasa Thakura, intoxicated in ecstatic love while
chanting the Holy Names of Hari, came to the house of the Kazi at
Eriyadahagram and began to call him. The Kazi, in a fit of anger, came
storming out of his internal apartment, but upon seeing the transcendentally
serene appearance and mood of Dasa Gadadhara Prabhu, he became stunned. His
anger softened and his expression became friendly. The Kazi inquired, “Thakur,
why have you come just now?”
Dasa Gadadhara Thakura answered, “I should like to have a few words with you.”
“Yes, whatever you have to say, just speak up.”
“Sri Sri Gaura-Nityananda have appeared on this earth to distribute the nectar
of the Holy Names to all classes of men, from the highest to the lowest, even
to the most sinful, despicable persons. Why haven’t you accepted this sweet
treat? Why haven’t you taken up the chanting of these nectarean Holy Names?”
“We’ll accept it tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?! Today you should accept. I have come here today to deliver you
from the depths of ignorance and sin by the power of these Holy Names. So you
please take this supremely auspicious Harinama. I will deliver you from all
your sinful activities this very day.”
Having listened to Gadahara dasa Thakura’s sweet speech, the Kazi became a
little bewildered. He began to laugh and said, “Tomorrow I’ll say Hari.”
When he heard the two syllables ‘ha’ and ‘ri’ emanate from the Kazi’s mouth,
Dasa Gadadhara Thakura became overwhelmed in the happiness of ecstatic love
and exclaimed, “Tomorrow?! Sir, you said Hari just now! All of your sins have
fled far away. You have become supremely pure.” Saying this he began to dance
in ecstasy.
The Kazi, having been purified by the transcendental vibration of Hari, took
shelter at das Gadadhara Thakura’s lotus feet. In this way, das Gadadhara
Thakura delivered many sinful, wicked yavanas and other such people.
He disappeared on the eighth day of the bright fortnight in the month of
Eriyadahagram is reached from Calcutta by bus from Esplanade. Gadadhara dasa
Thakura’s samadhi-mandir and the samadhi of the hair of Lord Caitanya shaved
off by the barber Madhi Sil when He accepted sannyasa are united within the
same tomb at Kesava Bharati’s asrama at Katwa.
Sri Dasa Gadadhara Thakura established a temple at the place where Mahaprabhu
accepted sannyasa, and the Deity of Lord Gauranga was personally installed by
him. This deity is one of three Deities which were carved from one Nimba tree
as per the order of Sriman Mahaprabhu, which he communicated to Narahari
Sarkar Thakura and the bhakar (deity-maker) on the same night through the
medium of their dreams. The next day, when the two met and learned that they
had both the same dream, they could understand that they should carry out the
Lord’s instruction immediately. The other two Deities are at Sri Khanda. There
is also a Deity of Balarama (Nityananda) who is about half the size of
Mahaprabhu and who came later on. Thus the Deities here are known as Sri Sri
There is a local anecdote concerning this Deity of Balarama. He is said to
have once been worshiped by Mineketana Rama dasa, who used to carry this Deity
of Balarama with him wherever he went. Mineketana Rama’s body was very
strongly built, so he would carry Balarama upon a simhasana mounted on his
back. The simhasana itself weighed perhaps twenty kilos. When he became
somewhat advanced in years and it was difficult to carry the simhasana, he
entrusted the worship of his Balarama to the pujari of Lord Gauranga here.
There is another story that claims that as Mineketana was a non-Bengali, his
native tongue was a non-Bengali dialect. In his language, the word for hair
was awa. Thus the name of the place where Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa becam
Katwa, literally meaning ‘cutting hair’ or ‘the place where Prabhu’s head was
shorn of its beautiful locks.’ The previous name of this place was Kantak
Nagar, supposedly given by Saci Mata. Kantak means thorn. The disciple of Dasa
Gadadhara was Yadunandana Cakravarti. The present sevakas of this temple are
his descendants. This is a very nice temple where many of the local people
attend the arati ceremonies and classes on the devotional scriptures. There is
a railway station at Katwa. From there one should go by rickshaw to Gauranga
A close associate of Nityananda Prabhu. His Sripata stands at the village
Ariadaha on the bank of the river Ganges about eight miles north of Calcutta.
Gadadhara lived at Puri with Lord Caitanya, but later, on the instruction of
the Lord, left for Gauda along with Nityananda Prabhu, Ramadasa, and some
other devotees to preach the message of love of God.
Lord Nityananda Prabhu organized the event of “Danalila” in the house of
Gadadhara. The temple founded by Gadadhara, the site of the “Danalila”,
Gadadhara angana, and the memorial samadhi are still in existence at Ariadaha.
Gadadhara was a remarkably enthusiastic disciple. One day he approached the
local Kazi and commanded him to chant Harinama. Strangely enough, the Kazi
willingly accepted the instruction and became a devotee of Hari.
According to Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika 154-155, Gadadhara was, in his past
incarnations, Sri Radha-vibhuti Candrakanti and Purnananda Gopi. The Kalna
edition of Cc. refers to Dasa Gadadhara as a Kayastha by caste, whereas his
descendants at Ariadaha declare themselves to be brahmanas (Also see Cc. 1.10
and 1.11). In Atulkrsna Gosvami’s edition of CBh. it is recorded that the
Deity of Balagopala was worshipped by Gadadhara dasa. BBM notes in CCU that
during his visit to Ariadaha he found the Deity lying in a state of utter
neglect and was no longer being worshipped.
One Balaicand Mallik of Calcutta is the present owner of the Gadadhara temple
property. He spent a considerable amount to renovate the entire area,
including all the holy sites. The disappearance day of Gadadhara is celebrated
on the eight day of the dark fortnight in Kartika (late October).
Gadadhara, who was senior to Srinivasa Acarya by age, attended the
Danda-mahotsava celebration at Panihati. He lived for sometime at Sripata
Katoa. When he first stayed at Navadvipa Gadadhara took care of Mother Saci
and Visnupriya-devi. After they both passed away, Gadadhara went to Katoa
where he installed the image of Lord Gauranga. At present the temple of
Gadadhara is situated at the residential abode of Lord Gauranga at Katoa.
Gadadhara had a brahmana disciple named Yadunandana Cakravarti.
(Bhaktiratnakara 9.352, 9.362)
Srinivasa Acarya presided over the festival held at the death of Dasa
Gadadhara, which was attended also by Mahantas from several other places. The
Vaisnavas regard this festival as a memorable event, similar to the one held
at Kheturi.
Gadadhara’s samadhi lies near the samadhi of Kesava Bharati at the abode of
Lord Caitanya at Katoa.

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