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1) General information.
Danu, the daughter of Daksa was married to Kasyapa Prajapati. It is mentioned in Mahabharata that the Danavas (demons) were born from Danu.


2) Sons.
One hundred sons were born to #Danu. The following are the important among them.

1. Vipracitti
2. Namuci
3. Sibara
4. Puloma
5. Asiloma
6. Kesi
7. Durjaya
8. Ayassiras
9. Asvasiras
10. Asvasanku
11. Garga
12. Amurdha
13. Vegavan
14. Ketuman
15. Svarbhanu
16. Asva
17. Asvapati
18. Vrsaparvan
19. Ajaka
20. Asvagrivan
21. Suksma
22. Tuhunda
23. Ekapad
24. Ekacakra
25. Virupaksa
26. Harihara
27. Nicandra
28. Nikumbha
29. Kapata
30. Sarabha
31. Salabha
32. Surya
33. Candra.
(This Surya and Candra are not the planets).

From the sons named above ten families of Danavas (asuras ) arose. The founders of the families are mentioned below

1. Ekaksa
2. Amrtapa
3. Pralamba
4. Naraka
5. Vatapi
6. Tapana
7. Sara
8. Mahahanu
9. Garvistha
10. Dirghajihva

All the danavas or Asuras belong to one of these ten families.
(Maha-bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65).

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