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Parasurama was present at the court of the Kauravas when Sri Krsna was speaking to Dhrtarastra on behalf of the Pandavas. When the Kauravas did not reply the questions put by Sri Krsna, Parasurama rose up to tell a story to illustrate the evils resulting from the arrogance of man. There was once a King called Dambhodbhava who was very arrogant because of his great strength. He wanted to diffuse his energy by fighting and laboured much to get good opponents and roamed about in search of fighters. One day the Brahmins directed him to Naranarayanas and accordingly Dambhodbhava went to their a’srama at Badarika and challenged them for a fight. They refused to fight and yet the King showered arrows on them. Then the sages took a few blades of the isika grass and threw them at him. They filled the sky as greet missiles and the King begged to be pardoned and prostrated before the sages. They sent back the be fooled King to his palace.

Maha-bharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 96




An ancient emperor. He was a mighty warrior prince. He brought the whole world under control. At last-there was nobody left to fight with.

So he walked about challenging everybody he met with. But none dared to fight with him.


Then Brahma advised him to challenge Nara Narayanas who were doing penance on the northern-most point of the earth.


So the emperor went with his mighty army to Gandhamadana and informed Nara and Narayana of his desire to fight.

They said that they were mere hermits and that they had no power to fight. But Dambhodbhava was not satisfied.


Finally Nara and Narayana took some isika grass and began to fight the emperor with it. Though the army of the emperor was mighty and vast it could not stand against the grass in the hands of the hermits. Finally the emperor admitted failure and bowed before the hermits. They advised him not to be arrogant in future and to lead a pure life. Hearing the exhortations of the hermits the emperor became a devoted man.

He returned to his palace and led a life of righteousness.


(Maha-bharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 96).





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