Radha says,
“Who finger-taps my door?”
Krishna says,
“You crooked girl, it is Madhava.”
Radha says,
“Madhava is spring. Is spring knocking My door?”
Krishna says,
“Verily not. It is the bearer of the Sudarshana wheel.”
Radha says,
“Are you a potter to hold wheels?”
Krishna says,
“No. I behold all worlds.”
Radha says,
“Are you the forked tongued Ananta, the serpent King, who holds the worlds?”
Krishna says,
“No. I wreathe the serpents.”
Radha says,
“Are you Garuda, the king of birds, who wreathes the serpents?”
Krishna says,
“No. I am Lord Hari.”
Radha says,
“Are you Hanuman, the king of gorillas called Hari?”
Lord Krishna, the beholder of Sudarshana wheel, smiled at the clever jokes of Radharani. May He protect us.
A second conversation
Let us listen to another interesting conversation between the divine couple told by Sri Chakrapani.
Radha says,
“Who is that at the dead of night?”
Krishna says,
“I am Keshava.”
Radha says,
“Keshava is hair. Are you proud of it and why hairs alert Me?
Krshna says,
“O lovely girl, I am the grandson of Maharaja Surasena.”
Radha says,
“What use for the unworthy son of a virtuous grandfather?
Krishna says,
“O beautiful girl, Your face shines like the full moon, I am the beholder of the Sudarshana-chakra.”
Radha says,
“You potter spins the wheel. Give me a bowl, pot and a milk-bucket.”
Lord Krishna was embarrassed by these clever words of Radha.
May He protect us.
A third conversation
On a fine morning, when Krishna arrived, Radha asked,
“My dear Keshava, where is your vasa now?”
The word vasa in Sanskrit means residence, fragrance, or dress. Radha enquired of His dress, but Krishna meant of His home and replied,
“My dear girl, I reside now in Your lovely eyes.”
Radha said,
“My cunning boy, I meant Your dress and not residence.”
Krishna meant vasa as fragrance and replied,
“I am as this fragrance to embrace Your body.”
Radha again asked,
“Where were You at night?”
In Sanskrit, yaminyamusitah can be split into yaminyam means night and usitah means pass. Krishna took it as yaminya-musitah means kidnapped by yamini (night).
Krishna said,
“Dear Radharani, I am kidnapped by night.”
Thus the cunning replies gladdened the best of the Gopis.
May the smiling Lord Krishna protect us all.
A fourth conversation
Once Krishna said,
“Radha, you are kupita (angry) now.”
In Sanskrit, ku means earth and pita means father.
Therefore, Radha replied,
“You are the father of earth.”
Krishna said,
“You are the mother of all universes. You are omniscient and the original mother of all universes. None can equal You. O Goddess, You enjoy ananta pleasure in causing feud with lovers.”
In Sanskrit, nan means bowing down and ta means without. Therefore, Radharani said,
“You are Ananta, who refuses to pay obeisance.”
Krishna smiled and bowed down before the beautiful Radha.
May that Lord be blissful to all.
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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