Brahma Samhita 51

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Śrī brahma-saṁhitā 5.51

agnir mahi gaganam ambu marud diśaś ca
kālas tathātma-manasīti jagat-trayāṇi
yasmād bhavanti vibhavanti viśanti yaṁ ca
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi


agniḥ — fire; mahi — earth; gaganam — ether; ambu — water; marut — air; diśaḥ — directions; ca — also; kālaḥ — time; tathā — as well as; ātma — soul; manasī — and mind; iti — thus; jagattrayāṇi — the three worlds; yasmāt — from whom; bhavanti — they originate; vibhavanti — they exist; viśanti — they enter; yam — whom; ca — also; govindam — Govinda; ādipuruṣam — the original person; tam — Him; aham — I; bhajāmi — worship.


The three worlds are composed of the nine elements, viz., fire, earth, ether, water, air, direction, time, soul and mind. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda from whom they originate, in whom they exist and into whom they enter at the time of the universal cataclysm.


There is nothing in the three worlds save the five elements, ten quarters, time, jīva-soul, and the mental principle allied with the subtle body consisting of mind, intelligence and ego of conditioned souls. The elevationists (karmīs) make their offerings in sacrifice in the fire. Conditioned souls know nothing beyond this perceptible world of nine elements. The jīvais the self-same soul whose ecstatic delight the joyless liberationists (jñānīs) aspire after. Both the principles that are respectively depicted as ātmā and prakṛti by the system of Sāṅkhya are included in the above. In other words all the principles that have been enunciated by all the speculative philosophers (tattva-vādīs) are included in these nine elements. Śrī Govinda is the source of the appearance, continuance and subsidence of all these principles.

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