The sons of Advaita 

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Of the six sons that were born to Advaita Acarya, the incarnation of Maha Vishnu, some of them had understood the essence of spiritual life and some had not. The sons who were affectionately attached to Mahaprabhu and the spiritual life included Acyutananda, the eldest of the brothers, and Sri Krishna Mishra and Gopal Mishra, who followed his example. Those who simply claimed to be his followers but showed no affection for Gauranga were Balaram, Svarupa and Jagadisa. The Caitanya Caritamrita (1.12.12) compares the two groups to the wheat and chaff. 


Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati also writes in his Gaudiya-bhashya to the Caitanya Bhagavata (2.10.162),

“If someone takes Advaita Acarya to be the best of all the Vaishnavas, then he can be called a Vaishnava. On the other hand, if someone considers him to be the object of all religious life, the vishaya Krishna, and Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu to be his devotee, or ashraya, then he will never be able to attain Krishna’s lotus feet.” 


This is a section of the book “On a Silver Platter”.

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