Sri Balarama-paddhati-patala

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Lord Balarama
Sun Temple at Konark, Orissa


Sri Garga-samhita, Canto Eight, Volume Two, Chapter Ten

Text 1

duryodhana uvaca bhagavan gargacaryena gopi-yuthaya katham dattam balabhadra-pancangam tat-krpaya vadatat. tvam sarvajno ‘si


Duryodhana said: O master, you know everything. Please kindly repeat to me what Garga Muni spoke to the gopis to tell them of the five-part worship of Lord Balarama.


Text 2

sri-pradvipaka uvaca kauravendra ekada gargacaryah kalinda-nandinim snatum gargacalad vraja-mandalam cajagama. tatraikante marul-lilaijal-lalita-lata-taru-pallava-pushpa-gandha-matta-milinda-punje kalindi-kula-kalita-nikunje sri-rama-krishna-dhyana-tat-param gargacaryam pranamya nagendra-kanyah sma iti jati-smara gopa-kanyah srimad-balabhadra-prapty-artham sevanam papracchus tasam paramam bhaktim vikshya paddhati-patala-stotra-kavaca-sahasra-namani gopi-yuthaya sa pradadau. kim bhuyas tvam tad-grahanam kartum icchasi vadatat.


Sri Pradvipaka Muni said: O king of the Kauravas, one day Garga Muni left Mount Garga and went to Vraja to bathe in the Yamuna. In a certain forest grove by the Yamuna’s shore, where gentle breezes moved the graceful trees, flowering vines, and new sprouts, and where the bees were maddened by the sweet scent of the flowers, some gopis bowed down before Garga Muni, who was rapt in meditation on Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama. Remembering their previous birth as snake-princesses, the gopis asked him what kind of devotional service they should perform to attain the company of Lord Balarama. Seeing their great devotion, Garga Muni gave these gopis the paddhati, patala, stotra, kavaca, and sahasra-nama of Lord Balarama. What more do you wish to hear? You may ask.


Text 3

duryodhana uvaca

ramasya paddhatim bruhi
yaya siddhim vrajamy aham
tvam bhakta-vatsalo brahman
guru-deva namo ‘stu te


Duryodhana said: Please describe the paddhati of Lord Balarama, reciting which I may attain perfection. O brahmana, you are affectionate to the devotees. O gurudeva, I bow down before you.


Text 4

sri-pradvipaka uvaca

rama-margasya niyamam
srinu parthiva-sattama
yena prasanno bhavati
balabhadro maha-prabhuh


Sri Pradvipaka Muni said: O best of kings, please hear the regulative principles of the path to Lord Balarama. When one follows these principles Lord Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, becomes pleased with him.


Text 5

sahasra-vadano devo
bhagavan bhuvanesvarah
na danair na ca tirthais ca
bhaktya labhyas tv ananyaya


Lord Balarama, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of the worlds, and who is also thousand-headed Lord Ananta, is not attained by giving charity or going on pilgrimage. He is attained only by devotional service.


Text 6

sat-sangam etyasu sikshed
bhaktim vai sri-harer guroh
sa siddhah kathito jatam
yasya vai prema-lakshanam


By associating with the devotees, one quickly learns the truth of devotion to Lord Krishna and to one’s guru. A person who learns this is said to have attained perfection. He has attained love for Lord Krishna.


Text 7

brahme muhurte cotthaya
rama-krishneti ca bruvan
natva gurum bhuvam caiva
tato bhumyam padam nyaset


One should rise at brahma-muhurta, chant the holy names of Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama, and bow down before one’s guru. Only then should one place his feet on the ground.


Text 8

vary upasparsya rahasi
sthito bhutva kusasane
hastav utsanga adhaya


In a secluded place one should touch water, sit on a kusa-grass mat, place his hands on his lap, and gaze at the tip of his nose.


Text 9

dhyayet param harim devam
balabhadram sanatanam
gauram nilambaram hy adyam


Then one should meditate on Lord Balarama, the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose compelxion is fair, and who is dressed in blue garments and decorated with a forest garland.


Text 10-11

evam dhyana-paro nityam
prity-artham halinah prabhoh
tri-kala-sandhya-kric chuddho
mauni krodha-vivarjitah

akami gata-lobhas ca
nirmohah satya-vag bhavet
dvi-varam jala-panarthi
eka-bhukto jitendriyah


Pure, silent, free from anger, lust, greed, and illusion, speaking truthfully, controlling the senses, drinking water twice in a day and eating only once, to please Lord Balarama one should thus meditate on Him at sunrise, noon, and sunset.


Text 12

kshaumambaro bhumi-sayi
bhutva payasa-bhojanah
evam nirjita-shad-vargo
bhaved ekagra-manasah


Wearing simple cotton clothing, sleeping on the ground, and fasting from all but milk, one may conquer the six material tendencies and meditate with single-pointed concentration.


Text 13

tasya prasanno bhavati
sada sankarshano harih
paripurnatamah sakshat


With such a person Lord Balarama, the perfect and complete Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes, becomes pleased.


Text 14

ittham sri-balabhadrasya
kathita paddhatir maya
kauravendra maha-baho
kim bhuyah srotum icchasi


O mighty-armed Kaurava king, now I have described to you the paddhati of Lord Balarama. What more do you wish to hear.


Text 15

duryodhana uvaca

munindra deva-devasya
patalam bruhi me prabhoh
yena sevam karisyami
tat-padambujayoh sada


Duryodhana said: O king of sages, O master of the demigods, please describe to me the patala of Lord Balarama, following which I will always serve Lord Balarama’s lotus feet.


Text 16

sri-pradvipaka uvaca

balasya patalam guhyam
viddhi siddhi-pradayakam
ekante brahmana dattam
naradaya mahatmane


Sri Pradvipaka Muni said: Now please understand Lord Balarama’s patala, which brings perfection, and which the demigod Brahma gave to Narada Muni.


Text 17

pranavam purvam uddhritya
kama-bijam tatah param
sankarshanam atah param


First, speak the syllable Om. Then, speak the Kama-bija syllable (klim). Then recite the names Kalindi-bhedana (the breaker of the Yamuna) and Sankarshana.


Text 18

caturthyam tam dvayam kritva
svaham pascad vidhaya ca
mantra-rajam imam rajan
brahmoktam shodasaksharam


After speaking these two names, then recite the word svaha. O king, this sixteen-syllable king of mantras was spoken by the demigod Brahma.

Note: The mantra then is Om klim kalindi-bhedanaya sankarshanaya svaha.


Text 19

japel laksham vrati bhutva
sahasrani ca shodasa
ihamutra param siddhim
samprapnoti na samsayah


Following this vow one should chant this mantra 116,000 times. Thus one will attain the supreme perfection in this life and the next. Of this there is no doubt.


Text 20-21

atha japtasya mantrasya
maha-pujam samacaret

bhavyam kanjam panca-varnam
likhitva sthandile subhe
tasyopari nyased rajan
hema-simhasanam subham
tasmin sri-baladevasya
param arcam prapujayet


Then the person who has chanted the mantra this number of times should perform the great worship of Lord Balarama. On auspicious ground he should draw a thirty-two petal lotus of five colors and with a splendid whorl. O king, he should place there a beautiful golden throne, and on that throne He should place Lord Balarama. Then he should perform the great worship of Lord Balarama.


Text 22

om namo bhagavate purushottamaya vasudevaya sankarshanaya sahasra-vadanaya mahanantaya svaha. anena mantrena sikha-bandhanam kritva sarvatas tam pranamya tat-sammukho bhutva svayam nato bhavet. om jaya jayananta balabhadra kama-pala talanka kalindi-bhanjana aviravirbhuya mama sammukho bhaveti. anena mantrenavahanam kuryat. om namas te ‘stu sira-pane hala-musala-dhara rauhineya nilambara rama revati-ramana namo ‘stu te. anena mantrenasana-padyarghya-snana-madhuparka-dhupa-dipa- yajnopavita-naivedya-vastra-bhushana-gandha-pushpakshata- pushpanjali-nirajanadin upacaran prakalpayet. om vishnave madhusudanaya vamanaya trivikramaya sridharaya hrishikesaya padmanabhaya damodaraya sankarshanaya vasudevaya pradyumnayaniruddhayadhokshajaya purushottamaya sri-krishnaya namah. iti pada-gulpha-januru-katy-udara-parsva-prishthi-bhuja- kandhara-netra-siramsi prithak prithak pujayamiti mantrena sarvanga-pujam kuryat. atha sankha-cakra-gada-padmasi-dhanur-bana-hala-musala-kaustubha-vanamala- srivatsa-pitambara-nilambara-vamsi-vetra-garudanka-talanka-ratha-daruka-sumati-kumuda- kumudaksha-sridamadin pranava-purvena caturthyam tena namah samyuktena nama-mantrena prithak prithak sampujya. tatha vishvaksena-vedavyasa-durga-vinayaka-dikpala-grahadin kamale sarvatah sve sve sthane sampujayet. punah parisamuhanadi-sthali-paka-vidhanena vaisvanaram sampujya purvoktena mula-mantrena panca-vimsati-sahasrany ahutir juhuyat. tathashtau sahasrani dvadasaksharena tathashtau sahasrani catur-vyuha-mantrenahutir juhuyat. tato ‘gnim prada kshini-kritya namaskrityacaryam maharha-vastra-suvarnabharana-tamra- patra-savatsa-go-suvarna-dakshinabhih sampujya tatha brahmanan bhojanadyaih sampujya nagara-janebhyo bhojanam dattvacaryan pranamet. ittham balasya patalanusarena yo ‘nusmarati ihamutra siddhi-samriddhibhih samvrito bhavati. sri-rama-patalam guhyam maya te hy anuvarnitam. sarva-siddhi-pradam rajan kim bhuyah srotum icchasi.


Chanting the mantra “om namo bhagavate purushottamaya vasudevaya sankarshanaya sahasra-vadanaya mahanantaya svaha” (Obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sankarshana, who is thousand-headed Lord Ananta, and who is the son of Vasudeva), one should tie his sikha. Then one should bow down before the deity and in all directions.


Then, chanting the mantra “om jaya jayananta balabhadra kama-pala talanka kalindi-bhanjana aviravirbhuya mama sammukho bhava” (Om. O Lord Balarama, O Lord Ananta, O fulfiller of desires, O Lord who carries a palm-tree flag, O Lord who broke the Yamuna, all glories to You! O Lord, please appear before me.), one should request Lord Balarama to appear.


Then, chanting the mantra “om namas te ‘stu sira-pane hala-musala-dhara rauhineya nilambara rama revati-ramana namo ‘stu te” (O Lord who holds a plow in Your hand, O Lord who holds a plow and club, O son of Rohini, O Lord dressed in blue garments, O Balarama, O husband of Revati, obeisances to You!), one should offer a throne, padya, arghya, bath, madhuparka, incense, lamp, sacred thread, food, garments, ornaments, fragrant flowers, unbroken grains of rice, handsful of flowers, arati, and other services.


Then, chanting the mantra, “om vishnave madhusudanaya vamanaya trivikramaya sridharaya hrishikesaya padmanabhaya damodaraya sankarshanaya vasudevaya pradyumna- yaniruddhayadhokshajaya purushottamaya sri-krishnaya namah. (Om. Obeisances to Lord Vishnu, the killer of Madhu, the Lord who is the Vamana incarnation, the Lord who covered the universe in three steps, the Lord who maintains the goddess of fortune, the master of the senses, the Lord whose navel is a lotus flower, the Lord whose waist was bound by a rope, the Lord who was carried from Devaki’s womb, the Lord who is the son of Vasudeva, the Lord who is Pradyumna, the Lord who is Aniruddha, the Lord who is beyond the material senses, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is all-attractive Sri Krishna!) and also the mantra “pada-gulpha-januru-katy-udara-parsva-prishthi-bhuja-kandhara-netra-siramsi prithak prithak pujayami” (I worship the Lord’s feet, ankles, knees, thighs, hips, belly, sides, back, arms, shoulders, eyes, and head.), one should worship all the limbs of Lord Balarama.


Then, chanting the word namah before each one, and putting each word in the dative case, one should worship Lord Balarama’s conchshell (with the mantra sankhaya namah), disc (cakraya namah), club (gadayai namah), lotus (padmaya namah), sword (asaye namah), bow (dhanushe namah), arrows (banebhyah namah), plow (halaya namah), club (musalaya namah), Kaustubha jewel (kaustubhaya namah), forest garland (vanamalayai namah), Srivatsa mark (srivatsaya namah), yellow garments (pitambaraya namah), blue garments (nilambaraya namah), flute (vamsyai namah), stick (vetraya namah), chariot marked with the flag of Garuda (garudanka-rathaya namah), chariot marked with the flag of a palm tree (talanka-rathaya namah), and His associates Daruka (darukaya namah), Sumati (sumataye namah), Kumuda (kumudaya namah), Kumudaksha (kumudakshaya namah), and Sridama (sridamaya namah).


Then one should place Vishvaksena, Vedavyasa, Durga, Ganesa, the planets, and the protectors of the directions in their respective places in the lotus and then one should worship them. Then, sprinkling water and offering food cooked in an earthen pot, one should worship the sacred fire.


Then, chanting the previously described mula-mantra (om klim kalindi-bhedanaya sankarshanaya svaha) one should offer 25,000 oblations. Then, chanting the twelve-syllable mantra (om namo bhagavate vasudevaya), one should offer 8,000 oblations. Then, chanting the catur-vyuha mantra (om namo bhagavate tubhyam vasudevaya sakshine, pradyumnayaniruddhaya namah sankarshanaya ca), one should again offer 8,000 oblations.


Then one should circumambulate the sacred fire, bow down before the guru, worship him with dakshina of valuable garments, gold ornaments, copper vessels, cows with their newborn calves, and much gold, worship the brahmanas by offering them food and gifts, feed the people of the city, and bow down before the gurus. Meditating on Lord Balarama by following this paddhati, one attains perfection in this life and the next. In this way I have described to you Lord Balarama’s confidential paddhati, which gives all perfection. O king, what more do you wish to hear?

Sri Balarama-paddhati-patala




Aug 15, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — In honor of Balarama Purnima, August 17th.

Sri Balarama-paddhati-patala
Sri Garga-samhita, Canto Eight, Volume Two, Chapter Ten

Translated by Sriman Kusakratha dasa



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