Sakhisthali is the place of Chandravali.
This is where she used to meet with Krishna and is not far from Shyama Kunda.
Once a man wanted to give Raghunath dasa Gosvami some yoghurt to drink from a cup of Kadamba leaf.
Raghunatha asked the man where he got that yoghurt from.
The man replied:
“Oh! I got it from Sakhisthali. “
Immediately Raghunatha withdrew angrily exclaiming:
“I won’t take it, I won’t take it! Why do you offer me something that comes from Sakhisthali? Don’t you know this is Chandravali’s place? “
Enraged with that man he left.
Raghunatha das Gosvami thought:
“I am exclusively the servant of Srimati Radhika’s servant. It is not appropriate that I ever take anything from Chandravali. She is the rival of her whom I eternally adore. So I will go away from this person, otherwise my bhajan will be ruined. “
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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