ISVARA Newsletter EN
The Principle Regarding Krishna
The principle regarding Krishna Krishna-tattva Krishna is the sole Controller of everything, possessing independent desires. With His eternal potencies, Krishna is supremely infinite. Krishna and His potencies Krishna and krishna-sakti Krishna's potencies are never independent of Krishna. The Sakti and Krishna are identical. The mantras of the Vedas explain this point. Krishna is infinite and His potencies are His …
The Tragic End Of Duhssasana
The Tragic End Of Duhssasana And in the midst of a terrible turmoil, in the distance Arjuna saw Karna. “There he is,” he said to Krishna, “the last of our nightmares. When he dies, victory will be ours. Direct the horses in that direction.” Hearing Hanuman's cries and the unmistakable noise of the chariot and Gandiva, Karna turned and saw …
All'arrivo in un villaggio chiamato Satyabhamapur in Orissa
All'arrivo in un villaggio chiamato Satyabhamapur in Orissa, fece un sogno in cui una bella donna apparve davanti a lui e gli chiese di scrivere un dramma separato su di lei. Quando Rupa si svegliò la mattina dopo si rese conto che era la regina più possessiva del Signore Krishna, Satyabhama, e decise di scrivere un dramma separato sul …
Introduction to the Glories of the Holy Name
Introduction to the glories of the Holy Name Sri Nama mahatmya sucana sri-godruma-candraya namaḥ I bow to the Moon of Godruma. Glories to Gaura-Gadadhara and the life of Jahnava. Glories to Sita's husband, Srivasa and all devotees. On the shore of the saltwater ocean, in a beautiful temple in Nilacala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead descended in the form …
The Nine Jayanteyas Appeared as Nine Sannyasis
98-101. The nine Jayanteyas, who were fixed in celibacy and equal vision, and who spoke the Sri Bhagavata-samhita to Janaka Rsi, appeared on this earth as nine sannyasis, and continually performed pastimes with Lord Caitanya. Their names were: Sri Nrsimhananda Tirtha, Sri Satyananda Bharati, Sri Nrsimha Tirtha, Sri Cidananda Tirtha, Sri Jagannatha Tirtha, Sri Vasudeva Tirtha, Sri Rama Tirtha, …
On The Seventeenth Day “Today I will not return to my tents,” Vivasvan's son solemnly said to Duryodhana at dawn on the seventeenth day, “without having killed Arjuna first. This is my solemn vow, and only if I succeed will the fate of this war be able to still turn in our favor. But I need something from you.” Duryodhana …
Introduction to Sri Harinama Cintamani
Introduction by Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura Words of enlightenment Prabodhini Katha This is no ordinary book. Only those in whose hearts sraddha, firm faith in Lord Caitanya has appeared, who have taken shelter of the Holy Name and have faith in bhakti, can understand this book. Among the various types of sadhana-bhakti, all perfection is achieved by taking shelter of the …